
This stance only works if all you care about is the money which yeah maybe true but if you make it blatantly apparent by producing a seemingly lazy product then I'm less inclined to care about it because from my perspective as a gamer looking for great games to play how many copies you sell means diddly-squat to me.

This can't seriously be how the PC and next gen versions look is it?

Super powered movement system reminds me of Prototype ALOT and I loved Prototype, atleast on a movement and destruction level so that's a nice surprise for me.

Meh... CG trailers never really do much for me... at best they can tell you alittle about the story or setting but even then I'd rather it be done in the in-game engine since atleast then I'll be looking at the actual game.

I disliked every Halo game that had the Flood in it so that's what CE, 2 and 3?

Well it's held up pretty well for me but as long as I'm doing it to get to/do something new I enjoy backtracking and it didn't really feel that slow to me either (but I tend to run all the time so...)

Hmm... you're actually the first person I've ever heard say they didn't like it...

I'm loving it. Not as complex from a gameplay standpoint as say Bayonetta but I don't think that's what they were going for anyway. Parrying without a dodge mechanic also works way better than I expected it would (makes some of the fights look completely badass too) and at this point I'm not even sure I would dodge if

Of all the Sony properities to ever exist I think Warhawk is literally the last one I'd want to see an anime of.

Completely understandable considering how convoluted yet somehow completely undetailed at the same time my first post was lol.

Cross-platform... it's an awesome concept but it's only useful to me if you get the other version free when you buy one of them since there's no way I'm buying 2 versions of the same game.

It's on PSN now if you still want it. Great game, probably one of my most favorite platformers of all time.

Seriously? Well crap (or yay?) there goes another great looking Xbone game that might have made me buy the system but I'll just get on PC.

I prefer to play games in the order they where released for the exact reason you give here, you misunderstand what I said (or I just didn't explain it properly in the first post), order of release > chronological always but chronological is the only reason I will break my stupidly strict play games in release order

Well I love creation based games so I'd probably enjoy this, which is what makes it so surprising I've not heard of it till now.

Well here's how it works I can play 5 before I play MGS 1, 2 or 4 because it happens before them but I can't play MGS 2 or 4 before MGS 1 because they happen and were released after it but I can play MGS1 before MGS 5 because it was released first.

Looks interesting, also looks like the kind of "game" you journalist types would be creaming yourselves over (especially looking at the E3 demo) so how come this is my first time hearing about this?

I remember back in the PS1 era I played demos WAY more than 18 times. I remember there was this one demo that came with one of my cousins PS1 that had Tomba, Einhander and Tekken 3 on it, probably played that demo almost everyday (atleast until I actually bought Tomba and Einhander which was much later, like PS2 era

Yeah but that's just it what you're describing here still doesn't sound like it's worth an extra 100 bucks for me. I mean I'm pretty sure within an hour I probably won't even bother with the system-wide functionality since I'd rather just use the controller over talking to the thing and miming in the air.

Hmm... ok well make some first party games I actually care about and maybe we'll talk.