
I'm not really sure if I actually played Day of Reckoning or not so I can't really be sure how accurately I can compare the newer games to it but after looking at someone create a character using the CAW system in it on Youtube I would say that it looks like they've improved quite a bit from it, doesn't seem like

Yeah and the funny thing about that the PS4 controller costs $59.99 usd and you'd think without the rechargeable battery the Xbone controller would be cheaper but it's actually the same amount. The bundle with the charge costs $74.99 usd...

This. The other wrestles tend to just be guys for me to fight besides the moves I take from them for my CAW. I mostly don't even know most of the less famous guys at all until I play the games since I've never watched wrestling regularly.

Yeah Ju-On 1,2, something called Ju-On: Whte Ghost/Black Ghost and The Grudge 3 (I'm assuming that's the third western movie going by the name of it and the western sounding actor names) are on Netflix (had it open anyway so figured I might as well check, I'm watching Breaking Bad lol).

I've never found Sadako to be all that scary either. Watched both the western and Japanese original and nothing about them really scared me at all.

I plan to play it eventually since it does sound way better but I have so much else to play right now that it's getting alittle ridiculous. Just off the top of my head I'm currently playing Dragon's Crown, MGR:R, Persona 4, Shin Megami Tensei IV (yeah 2 SMT games at the same time lol), Ni No Kuni, Metro: Lastlight and

Yeah I haven't really tried the Razor's Edge version yet. Heard it was way better but Ninja Gaiden 3 scarred me so bad I'm afraid to spend my money on anything NG3 related lol.

DmC... I rarely talk about it because apparently alot of people liked it and I hate pissing in other people's kool-aid but I personally didn't like it at all...

I would ask why but I'm not sure I'd like the answer...

Also rereading your first post I DO know now why I gave all that Hardcorps info in my first post, I actually wasn't sure if you knew it was a prequel or not.

The post you replied to was for codexcdm in relation to his "what is there that links the series' together?" question not you.

The connection might not be that obvious but it's pretty huge when you realize it. Uprising is a prequel.

Yeah Hardcorps Uprising is a prequel to Contra Hardcorps (Uprising's rebellion is even mentioned in Contra Hardcorps as a failed coup d'etat). Being that Contra Hardcorps was my favorite Contra game (Hardcorps Uprising is now my favorite) I thought it was pretty cool. Though that may just be because I've always

Doesn't really sound like my cup of tea but if I can be a complete asshole ghost...

Wait... so this app does pretty much the same thing as literally any paint/photo manipulation software but people are paying money in it to get new stickers for photos?

Ah yeah I remember that... he drew a pic of half naked Dwarves for Jason right? Yeah you're right, I think that is when everything escalated...

So hyper sexualized character + in-game joke about it that might also might have a message = secret to putting a fanservicey character in your game without the hassle?

But both Code of Princess and some of the OneeChanbara games have come out over here though (as well as alot of other games WAY more fanservicey than Dragon's Crown).

Hmm I didn't even know you could do this, never thought to click on the pictures.

That makes me want to play the game over as a mage now, sounds way more tactical than what my build called for and I can see alot of other fights going differently.