
So people ask for a new LoK game and they give us a multiplayer focused shooter?

Yeah I actually have to agree with you. If Criterion showed a game that was more or less Burnout 3 or Revenge with better graphics, new cars and tracks I think I'd be more hype for that than any racing game I can remember in a very long time.

Ah yeah I forgot about that... good point.

Wouldn't Solid Snake be like 12-14 around the time this game is set though? I'd imagine that wouldn't stop them from meeting but I'd lmao at Hayter's manly voice coming from a Kid Snake.

Actually I think what Amputexture was pointing out was that you used "transvestite" instead of "travesty" which is what I assume you meant before the meddlings of an auto-correcter.

For something that's suppose to be actual gameplay this does a poor job of showing me how the game will actually play.

Free-to-play huh?

If someone at EA were to actually read your comment the only response I could see them giving would be to just tilt their head to the side like a confused dog before going back to making more expansion packs lol.

Yeah the fact that like 99% of the comments here instead of being about the DLC are from people saying flatout how they won't buy this because the base game is still crappy/small pretty much tells me all I need to know about the quality of this game lol.

Yeah new Skies or a new offline Phantasy Star game more inline with Phantasy Star IV.

lol when this game first came out I was gonna buy it but due to all the problems I ended up getting Sim City 4 instead. Reading about all the cuts and dumbed down features I might end up just skipping this game entirely.

*Justeman almost makes a post about how he hates these hunter games due to all the ridiculous animal killing but considering he just drove up and down the beach running people (and dogs) over in GTAV for no other reason than to have something to do while listening to the talk radio station he decides not too*

Huh? But I want it to be linear... I love linear RPGs... In fact a non-linear RPG has to be something special for me to even care about it and even then most of the ones I do like are more semi-linear than completely non-linear (Baldur's Gate, KOTOR, Fallout etc) with the Elder Scrolls being the only exception I can

This looks way more awesome than DR3 and Killzone: Shadowfall imo.

Oh well in that case I agree with everything you said and accept that I'm not a hardcore player (I'm pretty good at SC but have zero desire to participate in a tourney since my competitive "play-to-win" gene seems to be broken).

Me + Collection "loot & grind" based games = Nope

Looks alittle too I duuno cinematic for my tastes. I'll need to see more pure gameplay before I can make a judgement on this.

Not sure if I fit the casual fan bill since SC is my favorite fighting game and I play it quite regularly online but yeah didn't like SCV near as much as the others due to the lack of a mission mode/edgemaster mode or something of the like.

That explains why I got a message about my BMX bike being towed (lol) at one point.

Now playing

*Imagines the complete Jonny Quest nostalgia mindfuck I would have being attacked by an entire squad of these drone riders*