When I see Xbone I always pronounce it as "X bone" in my head lol.
When I see Xbone I always pronounce it as "X bone" in my head lol.
One thing I've noticed, I've been hearing people say touch screen required games won't work with this but it works with the Dualshock 4 which has a touchpad on it.
I would buy the crap out of those potions if they came out in America. Even if they ended up tasting like ass the "Hey guys look, potions in real life! ROFL" factor would be worth it alone.
You should give this game a "No" and act like it's a piece of crap just for the controversy.
Considering how much he always brings up how making MML3 is his dream project I'm more or less expecting (hoping) his next game to be a spiritual successor to Legends.
This was actually the first Kickstarter I've ever given money to. Reason being I REALLY want a new Megaman game and I honestly don't see modern Capcom ever making a new one.
Wait was this done by Fox News?
Actually he was bad again already in the Heisei-era films (1984-1995).
Is it weird that I'm American but I completely forgot about 9/11 yesterday and only remembered it when reading this article just now but I remembered August the 6th and 9th?
Wait... Ninja Gaiden 4!?
I have 522 unplayed games on Steam...
I've heard ALOT of people shorten Unreal Tournament down to just Unreal so I wasn't sure which you meant.
This is the very reason why even though I enjoyed Arkham Asylum I didn't like Arkham City at all. Most people don't understand this though. The only real enjoyment I get from openworld games is causing chaos which you can't really do all that much in AC so with the lack of Metroid-esque elements I loved from the first…
Well I played Unreal solely for the singleplayer, don't actually think I've ever tried the multiplayer now that I think about it (I'm assuming you're talking about Unreal 1 and not Unreal Tournament).
can I rub your face on my buscuits, its so buttery
You know I think it would be more news worthy to report when a MMO launch DOESN'T go badly since this is more or less to be expected (atleast by me) at this point.
Meh I preferred Wind Waker's style and actually hope the next Zelda is done in a similar style. It's actually my favorite 3D Zelda game even over Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask.
I hated Other M the first go through but I played it again recently while skipping the story and enjoyed it quite a bit. I would actually say I enjoyed the gameplay a bit more than Prime's to be honest.