
You are completely right, I do have some troubling issues. It started at a young age, when I suddenly realized that the world is entirely populated by 'me too' dickwads that feel the need to "chime in" with their 2 cents where 2 cents is neither needed or welcome.


the only way that sci fi influences todays culture is through tween bullshit like harry potter and twilight. or the countless other movies and shows built around vampires and werewolves.

2 steps forward for reproductive rights and 3 steps back for net neutrality. 'merica

what the FUCK am I looking at.

"you are" is spelled "you're". not "your"

cool i'll get right on that when the fucking whores stop doing it to guys

looks like it would be fun for about 5 min

this one is correct

I had so many I had to delete my account. that's progress


shitloads of xxx porn

no I just hate hipsters


oh great. the latest fad

bring in the trolls

I can think of a few billion people that need to try this


hey dipshit. what part of 'jk' don't you understand?

Allow me to poke a few holes in your iron clad argument