
Residents of Hong Kong: Bitch Please

Ah, cool! This is the first time it's been made public, no? Otherwise I would have seen it for sure. I'm fiending for this game.

"because anything with Trey Parker and Matt Stone is always worth watching"

Because right now, a glitch is causing thousands of misdirected emails to be sent to his Hotmail account.

Now playing

Music for all these videos. Bugs Bunny fans will appreciate. Just hit play and scroll back up.

Manhattan does not equal NYC. And the map you show has the overlay of Manhattan expanding deep into San Mateo county, which is not San Francisco.

It's been explained to me that one of the issues in San Francisco is public transit. In NYC, it's perfectly feasible to live in Brooklyn, Queens and parts of NJ and still get to work in Manhattan, live in a reasonably hip and cheaper place and have access to public transit. If you don't care about hip, there's also

Just because...

Years later, Steve Jobs told biographer Walter Isaacson that his first glimpse of the Xerox Alto "was like a veil being lifted from my eyes."


It's a shame his house is on the other side of the tracks. That can't be good for property value.

So every single company that has had to comply with government requests for data are defense contractors? In that case the list is long: Yahoo, Apple, MS, IBM, AT&T, Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, Cisco ...

The last rat alive will be like this badass

No, they're just useless. They mostly just make fun of movies rather than actually listing real, provable flaws. I'd love to see a series that literally only listed ACTUAL flaws, though, like continuity errors and shit.

"We look sad and concerned but secretly LIVE for stories like this."

oh, but if she was a teen male rapist who video taped her crime & shared it on social media & drove her victim to suicide, she could've just walked out with weekends in the teen clink for the next year. because boys can't be held accountable for their actions until they're adults & somehow neither can the adults who

So the battle is won. Passive aggressive shaming after the fact has won the day. Everyone knows about it and everyone knows it is unprofessional to hit on women...

I hate to point it out since it's off topic, but "The sentencing of David R. Foley concludes a legal saga". The King.com legal team will be contacting you shortly.

Has aged better than Pierce.

the terrific Macross Plus (as main star Isamu Dyson,