
Not bored at all! She looked like she was concentrating. And at the end when she smiled when she knew she had nailed her routine and was finished just killed me. What a complete sweetheart. Totally adorable. In the second routine, she looked older and more mature, just as lovely to watch. I'm so impressed with her

I kind of love your mom. Mainly because that sounds like something my mom would do. I love my mom to the ends of the earth.

I didn't work it out. HE did! As you know, it is entirely up to the alcoholic to stop drinking. Other people cannot do it for him/her, which I learned the long and hard way. We were just there to support him on the journey once he decided he wanted to stop the lies and stop the drinking. It was an important lesson for

It sounds like you have valuable experiences to share. Thank you for opening up here. It's hard to do. I had a hard time writing what I wrote up above. Our intervention happened several years ago, but it's still hard to talk about. I'm still really grateful to all the people that helped us and tear up whenever I talk

I don't know you or how much you really drink, but I have been around a high-functioning alcoholic and I can tell you how it feels to be on the other end. This is just my theory, but maybe your husband wants to interact with you, the real you, not the you you become when you've had a tipple, and he feels he hasn't

If this makes you a bad person, then I'm absolutely going to hell in a handbasket, because I cackled with glee when I read this news last night. I remember reading about what Perry did awhile back and wondering when it would come back to bite him in the butt. I'm glad that he's finally getting his own back.

I didn't even know I needed to see that. Thank you!

I know! She threatened to have him assassinated, "I know people who will do it for me." It might seem like a joke, but I'd take that tape to the police. She could have been writing down his license plate number.

You know, I've been bothered and upset when a celebrity that I've liked and admired has passed away, for whatever reason, but when I heard this news about Robin Williams, my heart just sank, and I have been really upset for days now. If I figure out why, I'll let you know. I don't really know why this has affected me

That sounds terribly traumatic for you, but it's making me laugh really hard. I feel so ashamed of myself. I'm sorry.

Now that you recall it to my attention, I do remember the darker themes, but in my mind, the bigger themes of love, forgiveness, tolerance, and redemption were what that book were about. I can only think that a person who would object to a young person reading it...well, I don't know why they would object to it unless

Not having read Lord of the Flies, I'm hardly one to judge, but To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my all time favorite books. I read it as a young girl, saw the movie as a very young child. I idolize Gregory Peck because of that movie. I didn't get to read TKaM in school, so I read it on my own, and I'm oh so glad that

I like her, too. She seems like a nice girl, someone I would be friends with. And the things that she likes to do are things that I like to do—cook and eat :)

Don't they have to read them in 9th grade English classes?

Their kids are able to read the old sagas, which is absolutely wonderful! Our kids are not being taught how to read or write in cursive, which means they will not be able to read the United States' declaration of independence or constitution in their original formats. It's a crying shame!

I enjoy the group over at groupthink very much and read over there and even post a couple of times a day. I have posting privileges but have not used them. I am not followed by Jezebel and with this new system, I doubt I will ever comment again. I have very little hope of ever getting pulled from the grays, I never

Thanks for posting the full link!

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

I've been around Jez for a very long time now—back when they had the star and heart system. You got hearts when other commenters followed you, and those were very nice to get, because it meant that people liked your comments. To get a star, I'm not sure, I think you had to get followed by one or more starred

Me, too. I thought it was very moving.