
The Good Wife just keeps getting better and better. The fifth season was the strongest one yet. I can't wait to see what happens next. I love this show. I only wish it didn't run on Sunday night after football and that the time slot wasn't so variable. My DVR timer doesn't like it.

Everything about this is fantastic. I love it!

The Oxford dictionary is a British dictionary, though, isn't it, so it would be correctly spelled with the e before the m. Since Canada is a British colony, I would expect that you use British spellings of words and not the United States spellings?

You can find it on the character map on your computer. Just search for "character map" and look for it on there. You should be able to insert it from there. I found it almost at the very bottom of the character map. It will tell you how to insert it by using the keystrokes or by copy paste.

It is one of my all-time favorite books. It will capture your interest from the first sentence and then hold it all the way through to the last. Gregory Peck, in the movie, has never been better. All of the performances are stellar. I remember seeing the movie when I was a child and just loving it. I couldn't wait

Sending love, and peace, and strength your way.

Ah, yes, ask your doc. I think it's actually for epilepsy and is the pre-cursor for the drug lyrica, if I recall correctly, but I could be totally wrong and be mis-remembering. I don't think sleeping is supposed to be one of its side effects, though. I've not heard of that, anyway. I'd do just about anything to be

Gabapentin is of the devil! I don't think you'll be allowed to take it unless you have a medical reason to take it and go to see a neurologist for it. I took it for migraine headaches, which it did not work for, and I also had a devil of a time coming off of it. I had brain zaps for weeks. It was horrible for me. Of

I just had a really long conversation with the kind folks at the TSA, and they have informed me that my external USB drive is not an electronic device!

I routinely fly with an external hard drive in my carry-on as I do not want to risk having it stolen from my regular suit case. My current hard drive gets its power from my lap top. I'm flying out tomorrow and am a bit concerned about this new rule. If they let me plug it into my laptop, then no worries. I sort of

I hope your spirits lift soon and that you get through this dark period in your life relatively unscathed. I know you will! Crappy pop music lifted my spirits when I had some of my darkest hours, specifically, these lyrics: when the going gets tough, the tough get going; when the going gets rough, the tough get rough!

A- and I always get bitten.

But do the doctors know why you are not making enough progesterone? The female reproductive system is such a delicate balance of hormones. I never realized just how delicate until mine got of whack again when I started peri-menopause. Many, many, many women have estrogen dominance and not enough progesterone as they


If the movie or book is well-written, I have no problem relating to the main character if that person's gender is opposite to mine.

This is extremely interesting. We used to take my dog out to his trainer's house where her daughter has a horse. Although my dog did not eat the horse's poop, he did love love love rolling around in it. We always had to take him to a nearby stream and wash him off before we could put him back in the car.

Oh! I didn't know that. I love her books. That's so sad.

Drogo and Dany were very much in love. I cried for days when I read the part where Drogo dies. Jaime's and Cersei's love compares in no way to their love.

How on God's green earth did that woman think she was going to ride that wheel chair up that escalator? But then she stood up and walked down it? I don't believe that she is permanently bound to that wheel chair the way she stood up and walked down it. Bless her heart. God help me, I laughed so hard at this video.

Mark, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting your TL; DR at the TOP of your article instead of at the bottom, so that I could choose not to read the whole thing if I didn't want to or not! Thank you so much! Thank you for having mercy on me.