
Looks like Ann Richards, democratic governor of Texas from 1991-1995.

This is a very good motto to live by. Every time Gina Rodriguez opens her mouth and speaks, I am amazed by how eloquent and wise she is. She always says something that I want to hear. I god damn love her. And I can’t wait to see her in this movie. She’s going to be amazing in it.

This is very interesting. My friend direct quoted something that HRC said and then went on to almost say that it was directly from the devil and that she was from Satan for what she said. And I could no longer be quiet, and I told her that I had exactly the opposite reaction to the very same words—that I thought that

I have a very dear former work colleague, an older lady, a friend on FB, who keeps making posts saying that Trump is a Christian and that he is being led by Christ Himself to run for President, and because of that reason, she is voting for him. In her words, she herself is being led by Christ to vote for Trump. (I

But CNN is worse because they keep bringing her back on television. Or maybe it’s because they (CNN) cannot find any competent people to support Trump’s policies and opinions and Katrina Pierson is the best that they’ve got to offer? Her M.O. seems to be the way all Trump spokespeople operate—appear to listen to the

I had read that three professors were appealing that ruling. I hope that they are successful. I can’t imagine what college campuses will be like when kids will be allowed to carry guns. It boggles the mind that legislators thought that this would be a good idea.

Don’t be scared or ashamed to talk to your doctor about anything. He/she has heard it all. Just remember that. Your doctor is there to help you be your best self!

I also binge-watched the whole thing on Netflix during March and April and finally got caught up and watched the finale when it aired on television. I think season 12 was the finest of all the seasons so far, which is saying a lot of a show that has been on this long. The writing and acting was very, very good on

I thought Morgan did say something to Mindy at one point on a an episode a few weeks ago about how Danny treats her, and it was at that point that she started acting differently and thinking slightly differently towards him. I don’t remember exactly what he said to her, but it was something along the lines of, “You do

And cornbread! I just made cornbread to put in my dressing, and it was delicious! I love cornbread. What’s wrong with people?

The La Pieta was so beautiful that it nearly brought tears to my eyes just from looking at it. It’s just so beautiful. I have no words to describe the feelings that it brought to me.

It looks like glitter, doesn’t it? But I saw one of these pairs of shoes in the Smithsonian Museum eons ago, and I remember being shocked to see that they are actually covered in red sequins. You can’t see the sequins themselves when you see them on film—it looks like they are just glittery and sparkly.

I didn’t know her at all as Ben Stiller’s mother but as Anne Meara, herself! Talented lady, lots of fun, always a joy to watch on the screen.

I agree with everything that you wrote. Last night’s episode was insanely emotional and while DWTS is, in general uplifting, this episode was over the top. Each of the last four dancers had me in tears for different reasons and all deserved their perfect scores. I’m so happy for Noah and Sharna and for Noah and his

I know! The finale really needed another 30 minutes or hour to really tie things up. Louise’s betrayal of Victoria just didn't make sense to me. I never saw it coming. But maybe I wasn't watching closely enough. Louise and Margaux both really annoy the crap out of me, so I admit that I really stop paying attention

I heard an interview with a local imam today on NPR, and he claims that the local Muslim population did not attend the protest. According to him, and according to the article I read in the local newspaper, most of protesters came from out of state and from other places and not from the local community.

I understand. It still makes me cringe when I see it. But I am accustomed to writing highly technical documents that follow very rigid rules. I take the criticism you offer and accept it gladly. It helps me to be exposed to other writing styles and genres and expands my world, and I can appreciate that. Thanks for the

Not at all. I didn’t mean to imply that at all. I only meant that people who are not grammar experts are allowed to edit Wikipedia and that I don’t necessarily always trust everything that I read there.

Anyone can edit a page in Wikipedia and make it say whatever they want it to say.

Just because you can show me publishers who capitalize the first letter after a colon, it doesn’t make them grammatically right. It just makes them the ones with the power to make the decisions.