
Everybody was watching the Cosby show, and every kid wanted to have the Huxtables as their parents—they always gave the greatest advice in the toughest circumstances—those musical numbers looked like loads of fun. A Different World was cool because those kids were just older than I was, so they seemed really

The more we get to know Nick, the less likable he gets, the more slovenly, the more sloppy, and the more irresponsible he has gotten. I just don't see his charm. He's not just not evolved, he's gone backwards!

I have a hope chest. It's made of cedar. I got it when I was 16 or 17. I still have (48 now). It still smells wonderful. I keep my sweaters in it. I always just used it for storing stuff I didn't want anyone else to see, i.e., prying eyes, because it had a key.

I love Betty! I find her to be actually a very complex character, even though she appears to be quite boring and stilted. She is a such a product of my mother's generation that I just can't even tell you how much alike they are. Prim, proper, the advice that they dole out, no sex before marriage, your virginity is

Wow, that's really disheartening to hear about your Farberware. I thought they had a 50-year or lifetime guarantee? I just looked at their website, and it says lifetime guarantee. I bought my copper-bottomed ones in 1991, and they are still going strong. (I never let the flames go up the sides of the pot either, it's

#COTD, right there! Congratulations!

She's nothing. Don't let her words hurt you. Don't let them have power over you.

I watched it online. All the episodes were on the web somewhere and I managed to marathon it. I really hope they put out another season, cause it is so funny. I watched Burning Down the House first and laughed so hard that I went back and watched the first two seasons.

I thought I heard her say, "Don't bite the hand that fed you." But I'm not going to re-watch to confirm it.

Did he have sex with any of the other women besides Clare? And was it just that one time in the ocean? They seem to have a lot of physical chemistry with each other. And I wonder if Clare didn't start getting confused and mistaking that for love.

I have never watched a single episode of the Bachelor or Bachelorette, but you bet that I watched After the Rose and the episode before that where all the women slammed Juan Pablo. I don't know why, but I was obscenely attracted to the train wreck. Every single woman slammed him. It was so gratifying to see the way

I agree with everything you just wrote.

You always know the perfect thing to say!

You need to tilt your head more forward and down. Try bending your back more. You have your head too far upright. That's why the water went down your throat. I also keep my eyes closed, because sometimes the water can go out your tear ducts if those passages are too opened up, like mine are. The salt water is really

I love this Proverb. I had an old picture of my grandmother enlarged and had a custom frame made, and on one side I put her picture and on the other side I put this Proverb written out, I and gave it to my mother for Mother's Day several years ago. I didn't realize it, but the pastor had recited it at my grandmother's

I did know what search engine optimization is, but I did not know what SEO was :/

Mine did the same thing. When I was in college, it would start on Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, Easter holiday, Spring Break, etc. And then when I got out of school, things got progressively worse. At its worst, I had a yeast infection for a couple of years, couldn't sleep for days, gained over 60 pounds, my

I used to skip periods, too. I'd sometimes go anywhere from 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 months in between periods. I found out that I have something called hyperprolactinemia. I take the same pill that Parkinsons patients take. Did your gynecologist/endocrinologists do tests on you or did your doctor just tell you this and then

Why did they even have the Wizard of Oz stuff in there? I admit, I zipped through it on my DVR. And Jim Carrey? Can't stand him. Ran through that, too. The pizza fiasco? Ran through that, too. Ellen is better than that. If she needed to kill time for people backstage, she should have called Tina and Amy and asked them

I read that book. I found it to be very illuminating. If I recall, she worked in a hospital where she had some degree of freedom over herself, but she was somewhat restricted in her movements. She had to have a driver. She did take a pilgrimage to Mecca, though, which I found very interesting. She is a very good