
If your gynecologist cannot figure out what is going on with you and keeps throwing the pill at you to cover up your symptoms, you should consider going to an endocrinologist who understands female reproductive hormones. They are usually quite adept at figuring out what your hormones are doing. You really need to find

I just looked at wikipedia and the list of winners on the U.S. version. It looks, to my untrained eye, that at least 9 out of 15 of those names belong to men, which is 60%. Here is the list:

This winter has been very strange in Oslo. Very little snow but lots of rain.

You know, this is what I was wondering about. Did you see that story about the Swedish Olympic hockey player that got busted for having pseudoephedrine in his system? They don't sell that stuff in Sweden, I'd lay money on it! He said he was taking it in the form of Zyrtec-D. I know you can't get that in Norway, either

Your teacher is a fuckwad. She/He totally did not understand anything you said in your paper at all. My dad is 79 and takes a fuckton of Vicodin. He's worried about how much he takes, so he asked his rheumatologist about becoming an addict. She just laughed at him and said that 79-year-olds in as much arthritic pain

I am from the U.S. and am now living in Norway, and while I agree with you about not going broke from health care, I have found that many of the medications that were available to me, for example, over the counter at home, are not even offered through prescription here in Norway, nor can you find them in Sweden

I come from the United States, but I live in Norway now, and I've always had my dogs neutered. So when we got our dog in Norway, the first thing I wanted to know was when were we going to have him neutered. And my husband informed me that people in Norway don't do that. So I started inquiring, and sure enough, he was

She's promised to me!

Their lawyer was a Butterfingers and dropped the case.

It was a matter be-Twix them and their stockholders.

I am just now watching The Rape of Europa because of the recommendations from this article, and I just came to the part about Rose Valland's heroism. What a courageous woman. I'm only about halfway through the movie so far. I don't know that I could have acted as bravely or as selflessly as these people did. Such acts

We've just started watching House of Cards, and my husband told his friend this, and he goes, "Oh! BLAH!!! HUGE SPOILER! CAN YOU BELIEVE HUGE SPOILER?" My husband had a fit. Luckily he didn't tell me what happened and kept the secret to himself. We have only been watching one episode a night and have not binge watched

Did he say fucking or plucking? :)

That's great on ordering the book!

Glad to hear that it has quietened down for you!

I've been fairly entertained by his posts here on Jez the last few days, until I saw that he was, indeed, stalking you and saw what he wrote here in this post. That really disturbed me. He seems a sick individual. I would guess that if he is suspended, he might show up as something else. Is he going by the same

Ok. I was just looking at theadlerian's posts to see what a complete crazy ass he is, and now I'm truly disturbed at the post below yours. You said that you reported him. I hope that the moderators are doing something about it. I wanted to report him, too, the other day, but I didn't know how to do it, and I wasn't

Every single thing that you have written, I have been there and experienced myself. I call it mothering. I think you know what I mean. I mothered my partner to the point that I could not be his lover any more, so I stopped being his mother. You don't have clean underwear to wear because you didn't wash? That's really

That book costs $100 on amazon!

I'm not a mental health professional, but it's likely that many of his problems stem from untreated or not wholly treated ADD symptoms. He should see his doctor. But be advised that many doctors do not take adult ADD and its ramifications on relationships seriously—they usually only focus on work productivity. He