
I went and found this gif for you for making me laugh again today.

I must have this!

I agree. But don't they need to be about 4-6 months old to fly? Their little bodies can't handle flying until they are older because their little bodies cannot handle the insulin response from not eating for that long length of time. And it's a long, long, long flight from where they are in Russia to the United


I got a message from her with her email address. I have sent an email and hope to hear back from her. There's really nothing I can do but offer emotional support. I'll ask if I can pass it along to you. I know that you do some kind of law work. Do I remember that correctly from another thread?

I sent her a message yesterday but haven't heard from her. She usually works on Sundays, though.

Something happens with the vitamins, too. The vitamins get taken out and artificial ones get put back in.

It's a fascinating talk, and whether or not you or I believe in porn addiction or not, some of the men in the study certainly did. Or the ones who finally agreed to give up porn because they had trouble having sex with real women would say that yes, maybe there is something to it. But the good news was that given

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This TED talk discusses the topic very well. Trying to paste the link here.

Now playing

There is a really good TED talk about this very thing. I'm trying to paste in the link on my iPad, so we'll see if it works or not.

She's going to be the cutest little train conductor to ever conduct a train. And your husband is going to ooh and aahh over her cuteness when she's wearing those overalls. What kid doesn't look cute in train conductor overalls? I hope she's got a little train conductor hat to wear, too. Choo-choo! (Yes, I'm talking in

Hi Stinalee,

It sounds painfully obvious, but have you tried telling him that you would like it if he gave you flowers for Valentine's Day?

Same thing happened to me. I had never had a migraine before I took the Pill, but I've been getting them ever since. I was only on the Pill a few days, to "regulate" my periods, but they made me so nauseous and sick and gave me horrible migraines that I quit. I found out many years later that I have

I'm a loser, too. I had to look up what butterface means. I thought it had to do with someone getting butter on their face from eating popcorn at the movies. And then I read the real meaning of it from Urban Dictionary and got the sads. What a horrible word. Wish I hadn't learned the real meaning of it. People are

Hitting recommend just doesn't feel right, so I'm sending you a hug instead. *hug* I hope that's ok. My mom just finished her weekly chemo and 7 weeks of radiation and got a feeding tube inserted into her stomach last week. It's been so hard. I just have no words to tell you how your story makes me feel right now. I

Here's what I didn't like about the movie and what I don't like about most of Allen's movies and characters—they bumble along just letting things happen TO them. They have no agency or responsibility for themselves. They just let things happen to them. Blanchett's character did not start taking any kind of

I really hope that's not true! I had a rather severe head I jury six years ago and suffer with post traumatic head injury, and my peri-menopause started one month before my 48th birthday, which is relatively early. But one of my cousins started hers at age 42, so it could have been worse. I also have something called

It would take her forever. She wouldn't be able to do it without stopping and starting haltingly and biting her lip every other word.

I watched a race last night (on tape) in which Bjorndalen came in 4th place. The man is an absolute wonder. I think this is his 4th Olympics. (My husband is Norwegian!)