
I don't really know the difference between a hot flash and getting hot from exercise. Maybe there are differences? Since you are exercising, the body knows what is coming and is better able to prepare, whereas with the hot flash, the heat comes on suddenly and the heat source is unregulated, and the body is not able

If it's not in that video, it must be in another video I heard her say it in.

The increased risk is from having your brain go through the heat from the hot flashes. The hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progesterone if you have a uterus) minimizes the hot flashes, so the quicker you get on HRT, the faster you stop the hot flashes and the less damage that they do to your brain.

Now playing

She should be careful about the hot flashes. Research shows that women who have hot flashes are 8 times more likely to have dementia or Alzheimers later in life. Here is a

I didn't read your whole post before I jumped on you...just wanted to point out that yes, vaginal atrophy, with the whole icky connotation is a very real thing, and it happened to me! My clitoris shriveled up and shrank and disappeared and it was the scariest fucking thing that ever happened to me. I ran screaming to

When I entered peri-menopause, -in the space of less than a month, the outside of my clitoris shrank and disappeared and my vaginal lips shrank. That was on top of the bladder and kidney infections I was suffering from and the hot flashes. There was no telling what was happening on the INSIDE of my vagina.

I'm so glad that you wrote this! I did a lot of research into this, too, well, a lot of reading this past year, and my readings bore out what you've said. My readings also said that women who used progestins were at risk of blood clots and that bio-identical progesterone did not carry the same risks for a woman with

I have just read the full 33-page judge's opinion written when Allen sued for custody of his and Mia's three children. It answered many of my questions, one of which, "How did he not know which children shared which bedrooms?"

You need to think about Texas salaries and house payments and cost of living here. I don't know where you live (I live in Texas in a reasonable suburb), but my house payment is around $1000 a month. So the $500 he put down is half a house payment. And when I worked as a teacher, $500 was a quarter of my take-home pay.

How can you not be allowed to say hello to someone in the hallway, and how are you supposed to know this if someone did not tell you beforehand? Isn't it common courtesy to greet people in the hallways when you pass them, or am I just too southern hospitality for my own good?

The key here is that you have an awesome babysitter who you trust your children with and don't mind leaving them with. I would have to have someone I could leave my children with that they would thrive with and who take as good care of them as I would (or better). And that's not easy to find. (I don't have children,

He sounds like a pretty rotten parent, even if you take out the allegations of child molestation and the fact that he has married his de-facto step-daughter.

I read those links. The judge was not very kind to Mr. Allen at all. But he had high praise for Ms. Farrow as being a very involved and loving parent.

Thanks for this!

*all the hugs*

Sensitivity to what your students are going through is important at all levels of their education, not just at the college level. Your professor has taught you a very important thing. Your students are people with very real emotions. You may minimize the impact that you have in their lives, but as their teacher you

Do your clothes fluff right back up the way they were before you put them in the sack after you take them out of it?

Your son is a man of good taste ;)

Ha! Thanks! If I could not see Justin Bieber (in the reincarnation he is in now) and Miley Cyrus' tongue, I'd be a very happy woman. I'll look it up.

How're you doing today, Stinalee? I hope you're taking care of yourself.