
A kid who has a D will probably not get an A just from attending classes. They got that D legitimately. Maybe they could have brought it up to a C by attending classes and from having heard more of your lecture. But much of the work of getting the grades comes from what you do outside of the class, i.e., readings,

If the students are disputing the grades after you've gone home, I can understand the administrators wanting to have some way to CYA for you, and this attendance grade is one way they can do that. "Look, little Johnny was not in class half the time, how do you expect him to receive a passing grade, Mrs. Smith?" It

So you're not allowed to say, "We covered that in the last class when you weren't here. Get the notes from a classmate. Moving on."? And you're not allowed to kick disruptive kids out of class the way we were kicked out of class? That's really tragic that they've put passing rates above integrity. I was in classes

I've only just discovered Groupthink. :)

Jennifer Garner is also on record for not wanting her kids' pictures taken, yet People magazine is always publishing their photos. I feel dirty looking at them knowing how she and her husband feel about it. The magazine editors also know how they feel about it, yet they continue to stalk this couple and their children

I have really fine hair and am balding on top, have been for 30 years now. Something happened with the hormones :/ Anyway, a few years ago, I just stopped washing my hair as regularly and let the grease take over. What I found was that I was able to go longer and longer in between washings. Now my hair is not grease

I have really fine hair, and it used to be greasy. I used to wash it every day or it would be an oil slick. My dermatologist told me to stop washing it as often, and I looked at him and told him he was crazy. But then I thought, why not, I'll try it. So then I went to every other day, then longer and longer in between

My degree is a bachelor of science degree, so I am quite familiar with courses that require lab work, lab work where I had to go to the lab and do the work in the lab or I was not going to pass the exam at the end of the course. I also have a graduate degree where I was required to do lab work. I was never "given" an

So, I've just looked through all the comments, and the absolute majority consensus here is that this idea for this article was a horrendous idea. I have to wonder, do the writers here ever run their ideas by other people before they write about them? What has happened to their moral compasses that they think it's ok

I'd love to hear her and Kristin Chenoweth do a duet! Until tonight, I had no idea how well Ms. Queen Latifah could sing. I must investigate further.

Gorgeous. Lush. Beautiful. She can rock it out. Glad I got to hear this tonight. Thanks for posting!

In college? They don't have to earn their grades by doing the work and passing the tests? Standards have dropped :( Well, makes my degree worth a lot more (to me, anyway)—I earned every single point I got the old-fashioned way :)

What is an attendance grade?

How are you doing today? I would guess the bruises are hurting worse. Maybe take some ibuprofen or tylenol for the swelling? Did you go to the doctor? How is your headache? If you have a concussion, you should be careful with reading too much—I had a concussion and reading too much was a HUGE mistake—it made me have a

There's no such thing as born again virgin. Isn't he just celibate? I hate this terminology of "born again virgin." It's just stupid. :) Just me? Jesus doesn't care what you call it.

We were told repeatedly that my brother was also ineligible and then bam, he got a transplant out of the blue. He didn't have insurance or anything, so we were extremely surprised about it. Of course, I don't want to give you false hope. I know what pain you are going through, as we did, too, watching his illness

Is your dad eligible for a liver transplant? My brother had liver disease from hepatitis b, I think it was, or maybe a, was definitely not c, and also congenital problems, and yes, long-term effects from alcohol. He quit drinking and eventually got a liver, but sadly, the liver they gave him was infected. He did get

Thank you for your very thoughtful response!

Oh, my darling sweet, brave girl! I'm so very proud of you right now! You did it! You took the hardest, first step and got out. Tomorrow you need to see a doctor about that headache of yours. Having had a concussion before, I'm almost sure that you've got one of your own. You need to get your injuries documented by a

If you ask me, Sweden lost its neutrality when it transported German military troops on its trains. The government knew exactly where those German troops were going and why. The Swedish king had written the Norwegian king a letter begging him to let the Germans occupy Norway peacefully, but the king had refused.