
How are you doing today, sweetheart? I hope you're not answering because you're getting out of that shitty apartment and getting help. Let us know when you can. We're all very worried about you.

This is wonderful information and chock full of things I didn't think of. It's been so long since I was in school and my college was so small that I don't think it had any of these services anyway. You're so clever to think of them. I wish I had had the foresight to have thought of them last night. I don't think

I have to go to bed now, but I'll check back in with you tomorrow. All the hugs and blessings on you, sweetheart. You'll be in my prayers tonight.

If your head hurts tomorrow like this, you need to see a doctor. Can you go to the clinic on campus? Do you have insurance?

Here is the number for a women's shelter in Philadelphia. 1-866-723-3014

What school do you go to? I'll look up the number for you for the Safe Haven. You might have a concussion since your head is hurting so badly.

You don't sound retarded. You sound like a victim who is tired and beaten down and who needs help finding solutions.

Where do you live? Is there a local women's shelter that you can go to or call? Have you heard of Save Haven? If you just google women's shelter a long list will come up and I'm sure one will come up where you live in your city. Your primary care right now should be YOU, not him.

You know, anti-depressants quite literally change the chemicals in your brain, so I don't think it is unheard of that when you quit taking them that you could have side effects. Having said that, most people do not have side effects if they titrate down slowly. If you need the anti-depressants, then by all means,

I don't play WoW, but I do play Diablo! I haven't played for awhile, though. I hear they added a new act. I'd like to play again. Do you watch Community? This week's episode is pretty funny. BTW, how is your diet going? Sorry to be off topic, but I couldn't find the thread on the other forum. I hope I'm not being too

Those were Norwegians!

No, the Swedes just transported the Nazis through Sweden on their Swedish trains through Sweden and delivered them to Norway! No accountability for Sweden, you say?

I can't imagine how angry I'd have to be at someone to stab them one time, much less 40 times. I can't even hit someone in anger. I was angry once and screamed really loudly for a minute or so, so loudly that my voice was hoarse for a day. But I've never been angry like that again. But to take my anger out on the

The Danes have a lovely nursing home in Hogeway, Copenhagen, in Denmark where 70% of the patients have dementia or Alzheimer's. They have built the place on the concept of its being a village. It's a wonderful concept. They go shopping, eat together, go to the movies, go to the hairdresser, but it's all within the

What you are saying is very interesting, because for some people, the peer pressure is very real. For my husband, he really feels it, and it causes him to drink far more than he should. He doesn't drink very often, but when he does, he gets totally blotto, shitfaced—and when he belches, it STINKS. He says he does it

"Brain dead pregnant woman" has far more characters in it that Marlise Munoz. Just saying. But I wholeheartedly agree with you. By this point, I know her name, and I know her husband's name is spelled Erick, not Eric. And I know that they have a 15-month-old child, although I don't know that child's sex. I know that

When you go to the county hospital and you don't have insurance, they look at how much money you make and then decide how much to charge you. If you don't have a job or don't have insurance, they will charge you a smaller amount of money than they would charge someone with insurance or someone who has a job and makes

I need to re-watch it. I deliberately saved it on my DVR just so I could re-watch THAT kiss. :) My knees went all to jelly just watching it.

When a man puts his hands on a woman's face and neck and kisses her the way Danny kissed Mindy, it is really hot, isn't it? I'm kind of irritated, though, that the show went on hiatus until April for 2.5 months. The kiss felt like a ploy of some sort to lure me in that they did not need to do. The show has been going

It's gotten really boring lately, and I watch some crap tv. Mindy, however, is really fun. I hope they don't mess that one up—April is a long time to wait for it to come back from its hiatus.