
He's got his head in the sand like an ostrich. He's bound to have homosexual family members and friends as old as he is. He's just refusing to acknowledge their existence. Every extended family has at least one gay or lesbian member in it, doesn't it? The statistical probabilities guarantee it.

Pamela Raintree, you are my heroine today and all week! When I am weak in the knees and can't get my words out, I will remember you in all your glory and the words will come to me and I will soar and people will be in awe of me and stand back and I will be like Galadriel in her glory...oops! Got carried away there.

The next post I want to see from the writers at Jezebel is an apology post, but it will probably be another defensive we're-right-you'll-see-we'll-make-you-see-it-if-we-have-to-drum-it-in post from them. But then, I would never have abused my position of authority in the first place by asking for those photos to begin

Oh, thanks! This Brandi Glanville article in particular has not been loading comments at all. A few other random articles have not loaded comments in the last few days either. I'll try the shift-refresh trick and see if that works. I'm on Firefox 26. I just downloaded it a few days ago. I've been staying on 25 for

You know what I dislike about Nancy? She is a bit of a two-faced person. She is kind of nasty behind the scenes. This is probably why her career did not take off after she won her silver medal. People just didn't like her and sponsors couldn't trust her to not say something nasty or snide. The thing about Tonya is is

I know, right? That comment had me laughing so hard. This documentary was really very good, and the editing was terrific. The part where she says that the "evidence proves I did not write that note" and then in the breath the investigator says that the evidence proves that she DID write that note. Classic. I wonder

I had to hit 'reply' to you just to see your reply to my comment. Hitting the K, hitting refresh today...nothing worked for me to see the comments on this page today! Nothing!!!

Same thing has been happening to me the last couple of days. And sometimes even clicking on the K (discuss speech bubble thing) doesn't even help. Maybe they'll get it worked out soon.

I lost my brother when he was 39 years old. And when that happened, I decided that it was too much trouble to be mad and angry at people. She's right. Forgive. Don't spend your life hating and being mad at people, especially at those you love the most. Spend what little time you have cherishing them and enjoying the

It never happened in mine, either. But to be fair, I joined a service sorority at a small, liberal arts college. The things we did were meant to build sisterhood, and they did. I had a wonderful time in my sorority and met some absolutely wonderful girls/ladies that I'm still friends with today, 25 years later, and I

Labs get it, too. Hip dypspasia, or somesuch. They can get it in their front elbows, too. We carried our boy up and down stairs while he was young, while his bones were forming, until we couldn't lift him any more, to limit damage. Luckily, his hips are very good.

Oh, my heaven! I didn't know about your heart attack. That's awful. And then to crave something. I hate to crave food. I really hate it more than anything. That's why I don't go on a diet and limit myself any more (just portion sizes). I went on that diet where you don't eat carbs, and my god, when I walked by the

America's Test Kitchen recommends a brand called Plugra, which is a European style butter. I found it today at Wal-mart of all places! I'm really excited about trying this. It was $1.98 for 8 oz! That's just two sticks. It smells nice. I'll probably cook a little with it tonight and maybe make some dipping sauce to

Someone posted a link to the America's Test Kitchen, which explains how butter is made. If it is made from cultured milk, it is not sweet (and that is how the European style butters are made). The sweet butters are made from sweet cream, and those are the ones that come out sweet. That was my understanding. I also

I was raised on margarine, so when I first tasted butter on my toast, I spat it out. It just tasted horrible. Now that I'm used to it and go back to eating margarine, I spit it out and think the margarine tastes like s***! Strange how my taste buds have completely turned around.

Central Market here in Texas has a European style salted butter with no sugar in it that I like. It seems all the butters in the regular grocery stores have a lot of sugar in them, and I don't like that—they are just too sweet. We live in Norway most of the time, and the butter we get there does not have sugar in it.

Natural boobs, not fake ones? And I think she's standing with her hip jutted out just a bit, which is pushing them out at an awkward angle. She looks absolutely lovely to me.

I live in Fort Worth where this is going on. I heard a news report last night on the radio. They are having some argument now over the mother's EEG and are debating whether or not she's really dead. They don't believe the EEG is real or not. I didn't hear the whole report. It's just ghastly and horrible and

I watched that documentary, and in no place did she look fat. Her tummy was flat and looked really toned. She looked fantastic and healthy all around, so it could be those costumes that are just unflattering on her. She did keep making it a point to say that she's really shy, so I do wonder if sometimes when she comes

Prednisone causes weight loss? Since when? Prednisone is a steroid and causes you to gain weight after long-term use. Unless transplant patients react differently to it than other patients? I was on prednisone for my arthritis, and I gained a shit ton of weight and was never so glad to be off of it. I finally was able