
A friend of mine went on the diet, was monitored by doctors and everything. She is morbidly obese. Insurance did not pay for her program. She ate less than 1000 calories a day. She did lose weight, but after she quit the program, she gained back all of the weight she lost and more. She was taking the shots (and not

Oh, dear, I laughed for 10 minutes. Thanks!

I totally agree in your assessment. I even wrote them a letter and told them I wouldn't listen to Sandra Bezig any more just because she was so pessimistic and mean to all of the competitors all the time. She never had a nice word to say about anyone, and I just got tired of listening to her be so mean all the time. I

That just makes me cry.

What airline are you flying? I didn't know any domestic airlines allowed dogs to fly in cargo any more. Or is your dog flying in the cabin? I recently flew with my dog on Lufthansa in early December from Oslo, Norway, to Dallas/Fort Worth, and we got stuck in Frankfurt for 3 days because of the ice storm in Dallas.

I would like for people who use TL; DR at the END of their essays to start apologizing. If you truly don't want people to read what you write, then put it at the beginning so I can choose if I want to read it or not. By the time I get to the TL; DR, I've already read it! What you really meant, Madeleine, when you used

Does that chrome thing work with an ipad, do you know?

I was actually wrong. It was a commenter who said that a dentist did the same thing to her child and she got a second opinion. I'm sorry for giving out wrong information.

CNN reported that another patient of about the same age got a similar diagnosis, lots of cavities and needed root canals. The parents in that case took their child to another dentist who said no, she just has one or two cavities (I don't remember what it was, but it was certainly not a mouthful of cavities and root

I don't dislike Mr. Barry because he's a man. I don't dislike him because of his brand of snark, although I do prefer most of the other writers on Jez over him. What I don't like about Mr. Barry is that his writing is very difficult to understand. He is not very careful with his facts. In fact, let's take today's Dirt

It comes from writing code. When you +1 something, you add to your count. So people have appropriated it to mean that they agree with other commenters. When I write +1 in a comment, it means that you should add my voice to the other commenter's voice in agreement.

That is one cute widdle girl, yes she is! With her little rope toy lying there all mangled and played with. I love it! Sweet, sweet, sweetheart!

He is just perfect in Burning Love. I don't watch the Bachelor shows, but I love Burning Love. I laugh and laugh at it. I just had a marathon, binge watching session the other day and watched all three seasons. The twists and turns and the breaking of the rules that they are not allowed to see are just hilarious. I

I was a junior in college. I, too, remember all of the details of that day, what I was wearing, where I was when I found out, the people around me, how I it made me feel. The complete and utter silence and stillness in the room. The only noise coming from the television announcer's voice. I can still remember how it

I'd like to see what Peter Jackson would do with The Silmarillion.

We don't have that yet in our area (Fort Worth) yet. I've read that it's important to keep the bags separate, i.e., always put meat products in the same bags, produce in the same bags, etc., and that you need to wash them in hot water. Have you had any trouble with food contamination?

When I was on synthetic progesterone, my PMS was absolute hell. Just a nightmare, and I was only on it for one cycle. When I switched to the bio-identical cream, it was such a huge difference. I even started sleeping better during that time. My doctor told me I could use it for three weeks instead of just two weeks if

Hey, are you using the patch or pills? I find the patch to work better for me because you get a more continuous dose. Bio-identical progesterone also works far better than synthetic. I was a total bitch on the synthetic stuff. (Even if you don't have your uterus, and especially if you are having sleeping problems, it

I'm like the nun in Orange is the New Black when she said you'll have to pry my estrogen out of my cold, dead hands! It's seriously, like, water to me. I don't think I can live without it. I know some women have a very easy transition, but it has not been easy for me at all. And when I did my research on it, I have

I just watched the whole thing and very much enjoyed it. Unless there's stuff going on behind the scenes that we did not see, she seems to be in control, at the very least, of her costume choices and dance moves, which is what the public sees anyway. Britney looks fantastic. Her eyes were bright and she looks