
My blood tests said I have B deficiency. But when I take extra B vitamins, I get strange and very vivid dreams, like I'm awake all night. I just can't take extra B vitamins. The side effects are intolerable.

Once we get older, though, around age 40, we stop being able to take in vitamin D through our skin as well as when we are younger, and by age 70 we can't do it at all. At least, that's what my doc told me.

Best series finale ever. End of discussion. I thought so then and I still think so now. Nothing else comes close.

Now playing

Just FYI, I'm from Texas, so I had to totally re-stock my wardrobe when I moved to Norway. You'll need a good, long woolen scarf. I use ear muffs called 180s that are really nice—they make some that have built-in earphones, too. You'll need some sweaters that are good—North Face makes some little polartec ones that

No one has mentioned my love, Icebugs.

Where in Norway are you going to be living? I live in Oslo. Will you be using public transportation? If so, you'll be outside walking a lot, so I recommend getting something that is windproof and comes down below your butt, maybe mid-thigh. Canada Goose is very good. You'll need a hood, too. I use mittens in the

I'd never given birth before and got a copper IUD but had to have it taken out due to complications and pain. I have heard that someone makes a smaller IUD for women who have never given birth and who have a smaller uterus, but I don't recall the name of it. You might ask your gynecologist about that one. Good luck! I

No one has mentioned the sad reality of airline toilet paper. That stuff is so hard and scratchy that after a trans-Atlantic flight, my lady bits are sore and in desperate need of rehabilitation when I get off the airplane. And who has room to pack their own extra roll of Charmin in their carry-on?

Hahaha. I had to read all the way to the bottom of the page to get to this comment, and I'm glad I did. COTD!

She's doing a fantastic job with The Witches of East End on Sunday nights. Loving it! It's the most fantastically camp witch show on tv now. I want to meet this gin-swilling executive of yours!

I just binge watched seasons 1 and 2 and started watching season 3 on regular television. At some point the crazy started seeming normal. Hahaha. I love this show and can't believe I didn't start watching it from the very beginning. Jessica Lange is just so supremely talented and deserves every award she's been given.

My mom has been taking chemo all year and just started chemo and radiation last week. She'll be on weekly chemo and daily radiation on her throat for 7 weeks. Fuck that cancer shit all to hell and back.

I forgot to mention how the Norwegian commentators incessantly call him "The Great One" or "The Great Bjorn Daehlie" every single time they talk about him.

Jezebel desperately needs a "Thanks for your comment, because it made me laugh so hard I peed my pants, and I'm still smiling ear to ear" button. Cause I would press that sucker for your comment. Hahahaha...voodoo ritual...hahaha...Bless your heart! (I mean that in the most unsarcastic and un-ironic way possible!)

I think you're exactly right about the oxygen thing. It says it there on his wiki page about it. Even in the off season, his oxygen levels are crazy high, which makes his aerobic (or is it anaerobic?) abilities superhuman. He's also still in really good shape.

The Norwegian skier you must be talking about must be Bjørn Dæhlie. The man's resting heart rate was extremely low, if I recall. The man is regarded almost as a god in Norway. If he doped, he did it very cleverly and hid it very well, as he'd not been caught at it. His wikipedia page says he's making a comeback. He

Best line: Jesus, no one tell Rabbi J.J. Abrams about this. Hahahaha.

I second this motion. Make it happen!

I have a condition called hyperprolactinemia. And what that means is is that my pituitary tells my ovaries that I'm pregnant when I'm not. So my breasts fill up with milk and I feel pregnant. Before I was diagnosed at age 28, I was having all kinds of crazy symptoms. I would only have 3 or 4 periods a year, tops. I

I thought it was just me. I can't see comments either in another thread. I finally managed to see comments in this thread.