
And the news showed the firemen hauling the truck up out of the water as they speculated if anyone was inside. It was the most morbid thing in the world. I felt so bad for the family.

I'm a kitten for #5, too. I also love Nina Ricci's l'air du Temp for the summer months. Yummy! One of my all time favs.

The Good Wife has really been invigorated this season with the 4th years leaving Lockhart Gardener, hasn't it? It's just getting better and better with every season. I think this season is the best one yet. I gave the first two seasons to my sister-in-law for her birthday.

That made me laugh and laugh. I really enjoy your humor. Carry on!

I have to try this!

Thanks for the information! I had one of these high-risk strains many years ago. I had to go to my ob-gyn every month for a PAP smear, then every two months, then every three months, and so on, until my PAPs were clear. Finally, it got so that my PAPs were clear for a year. The virus had cleared itself, for which I

You're terribly sweet!

Your guy sounds like my father. My mother was lamenting to me that my father never says, "I love you" to her, and she was saying that in front of him. So he turns to her and says, "I told you the day I married you that I love you, and if that ever changes, I'll let you know!" I think that was the most romantic thing

We also went to Quebec on our honeymoon. It was very romantic.

I'll be home in the area in a week until the end of January. Would be fun to have a Jez get together. :)

Let my age = y, then y = x + 17. But my inner child feels like I'm still (1/2) x!

Something really strange happened to me in 8th grade algebra class one day. Two of my friends who sat behind me told me that my period had started and that I had bled on my pants. So I asked to be excused and went to the bathroom to check, but there was nothing there, my period had not started. After class was out, I

Did you have a previous infection?

Dear heavens, we have to give my boy that stuff every time he flies, and it makes him sooo sick and shaky that we often have to take him to the vet and get a shot for anti-nausea. That stuff is from the devil. We have found that Dronsit is less hard on his tummy, but they don't keep it in stock usually. We're going to

Marillenbaum has some really good advice. Take it to heart.

Do you live in the DFW area, too?

That was an amazing and glorious thing you did there.

But in an earlier comment you said that she could "follow a bunch of us on Twitter." Don't you have to use your Twitter account, with your Twitter name/handle, to do that? Just wondering, in case I want to use Twitter to log in to Jezebel instead of Facebook or whatever it is I'm using now. And how would we find

Do you leave it attached to the mixer all the time? On mine, a little bit of oil constantly drips down, so maybe it does with yours as well and it is the oil that is coating your whisk? I put the plastic cover on top of my bowl when I don't use it and remove all the attachments, and the oil drips down makes a little

SPOILER in the title?? Didn't even wait a few hours? I have religiously not clicked on articles like this because I wanted to watch the episode for myself to see who won, and you announce the winner in the title? I don't normally jump on you (Jezebel writers) for things like this, but this really takes the cake. Can