
I had no firm opinion about Kelly Clarkson until recently. Between obviously wanting Jane Austen's ring and the bridal portrait of her reading in a library, I have decided that she is awesome.

IMHO, you get bonus points for even being *able* to run.

Thanks! I actually typed that as an aside at the end, whether it was "make do" or "make due", but I don't know what happened to it. Tried to add it in as an afterthought, but it must've gotten lost somewhere, and I'm too lazy to figure it out and/or google it.

My current mattress was a freebie I got from a friend of a coworker, so I never actually met the person who gave it to me. But it was a freebie, and I inspected it pretty close before I slept on it. A couple of mattress covers and some sheets, and I never actually touch something that may have once touched someone

*Shrug* I've only ever had used mattresses. It's not ideal by any stretch of the imagination, but when you have hard wood floors and no money, the air mattress gets really old, really fast, and you end up making due. (Did I say that right? Is it "due" or "do"?)

*Shrug* I've only ever had used mattresses. Not ideal by any stretch of the imagination, but when you have hard wood floors and no money, the air mattress can get really old, really fast and you end up making due.

Ah! I do see. Gracias!

What is this dismiss button I'm hearing so much about? Is it an "authors" thing or am I not aware of it because I'm still relegated to the grays.

YES. This.

I admit that I did at first. But I still <3 you and your oddly mesmerizing avatar.

OMG. I guess "right to life" does not equal "respect for life" because that's just disturbing.

Oh no, I have to disagree! No epic reboot! No sequel! Especially by Jerry Bruckheimer! It's still too soon!

Is that... Is that real? I can't tell what's legit and what's parody any more.

I have gutterbrain today. My first thought after seeing the infographic was, "Wow. There's nobody in the new Star Trek cast that I wouldn't bang..."

Ack! My heart. It breaks.

Correction: That's AWESOME

The writing rules for websites are different than writing rules for published papers and the like. You're dealing with shorter attention spans, article skimmers, and folks with a wide range of reading comprehension. Granted, I'd assume the i09 crowd to be well-read and generally educated, but for the sake of clarity,

I LOVE reading all the night owls. Reminds me that I'm not alone. :) I've always said that the world is biased toward extroverted morning people. As an introverted night owl, I always feel like I'm out of sync with the rest of the world. Just going through and <3-ing everything!

I have been trying to get someone else among my family and friends (just one!) to watch the show, but so far no luck. I have to share the awesomeness and nada. Anyone have suggestions on how I can sell it to them?

So you can give birth at home*, without medical personnel present, no problemo. But you can't have an abortion in a clinic with medical personnel? And this is "protecting women". Sigh