
I noticed that after I went to their website. I'd assumed it was the ladies, too. Somehow it makes it more awesome.

Eh, I still occasionally dress like a slut regardless of my size. I just focus less on the tight and more on the low-cut. ;)

I love it! You could totally work that. You could even make up an epic story about battling a shark for your life. Point at the scar and go, "I punched a shark for these."

Yeah, I still haven't gotten my dad to understand why talking in front of a group of people while giving a speech or a presentation or something is easier for me than asking me to make casual small talk in that same group. They're two different things for me. I'm introverted, not shy. It's an amazingly hard concept

That's an excellent point. I never thought of it like that, but it's so true.

Agh! I want! Enough to contemplate taking my size 18/20 ass out in public in Alaska just to show it off!

Amen to that. I don't like it when "shy" and "introvert" are swapped interchangeably. Totally not the same thing! There are shy extroverts and outgoing introverts. And telling introverts to be the exact opposite of what they are to make friends is not helpful. It's like telling vegetarians who wants to increase the

That sounds like the start of an awesome movie.

Apparently by going hiking, attending live music events, watching independent films, and developing an interest in craft beer.

Thank you! I'm in a similar situation. I recently moved to a much smaller town, (which makes it harder!), and I'm having trouble finding friends. I'm friendly with my coworkers, but it's a small company. One invited me to a couple of gatherings with her friends, but the group dynamic and the sense that I didn't have

True, but usually I can find something that holds my curiosity long enough for another episode or two. I did like some of the other characters, but I made the same assumption that it looks like other folks did about it being all about the MC. And I found her rather dull, even with the past relationship with a drug

Okay. It took me a few episodes to get into Doctor Who, and I'm not a fanatic for it. So y'all have convinced me. I shall attempt episode 2.

I tried watching this show last night. I stopped it in the pilot episode, about 3/4 of the way through (right after she insulted the woman who runs the kitchen). I was just... bored. Which is weird considering it's a show about prison, but there you go.

All this talk about wine makes me want a beer. I'm difficult that way.

My takeaways (other than the whoo-ohbaby-awooga-hubba-hubba reaction of that Tyson Beckford shot):

Hells yes. *Fans self* I'm trying to find something witty to say, but my brain has been short-circuited by a sudden and overwhelming surge of hormones.

I think they mentioned that it was a sphere, not actually a dome, so theoretically it just circles all the way under.

PSA: Not to be confused with the movie "Best MEN", which is no bueno. Imagine my confusion when, after hearing how great the movie "Best Man" is only to rent it and watch it with befuddled dismay. I also spent most of it thinking, "But I thought Taye Diggs was in this? Where is Taye Diggs?"

Hey! Bowties are cool. :)

Ditto. I had one guy lined up I thought might make a good friend-with-benefits, but I got tired of the "I just broke up with my girlfriend, I'm only looking for a rebound, I'm not ready for another relationship right now" talks after. This is even after I told him that I didn't want a relationship either. Got to the