
I tried watching this show last night. I stopped it in the pilot episode, about 3/4 of the way through (right after she insulted the woman who runs the kitchen). I was just... bored. Which is weird considering it's a show about prison, but there you go.

All this talk about wine makes me want a beer. I'm difficult that way.

My takeaways (other than the whoo-ohbaby-awooga-hubba-hubba reaction of that Tyson Beckford shot):

Hells yes. *Fans self* I'm trying to find something witty to say, but my brain has been short-circuited by a sudden and overwhelming surge of hormones.

PSA: Not to be confused with the movie "Best MEN", which is no bueno. Imagine my confusion when, after hearing how great the movie "Best Man" is only to rent it and watch it with befuddled dismay. I also spent most of it thinking, "But I thought Taye Diggs was in this? Where is Taye Diggs?"

Hey! Bowties are cool. :)

Ditto. I had one guy lined up I thought might make a good friend-with-benefits, but I got tired of the "I just broke up with my girlfriend, I'm only looking for a rebound, I'm not ready for another relationship right now" talks after. This is even after I told him that I didn't want a relationship either. Got to the

I always assumed that the strangers-touching-hair thing was fairly universal for all women. Is it not? I'm white with pretty straightforward hair. Nothing extraordinarily curly or thick or long, and I still have random people reaching out to touch it. Mostly creepy men doing their creepy thing, but even other women

Okay. Confession. I once dated a guy who said he wanted to go into politics and be "the next Rick Perry". Now. I was younger then, this was my first "real" boyfriend, it was prior to the GOP's "War on Women", and I wasn't paying any attention to politics, so I basically just interpreted that as "I want to be a

I bring a towel with me, but only because I dye part of my hair pink and it can stain stuff when it's wet depending on how recently I touched up the color. Figure it's rude to ruin other people's towels, so I bring my own mottled one. :)

Not on topic, but love your name!

Sheesh! I don't blame you! I have a coworker/friend who's an ENFJ. Not the total opposite, but often enough for us to occasionally accuse the other of being a weird freak of nature or something. It was not unusual for me to ask him "You do that on purpose?" and vice-versa. They're weird creatures, those E's and J's.

Yeah, I'm wondering about this whole how-to-get-ungreyed thing, too. It's a stumper.

I dye my hair hot pink, but only the underside. I'm naturally a brunette, and I let the grays in my part gleam white and proud. I don't know what the hell I am apparently, but obviously I'm some form of unemployed klepto. Or something.

It's not fallacious, it's follicious.

Nope. You're not the only one. I'm a lady, and I'm not too keen on them either.

I've said it before, but I think American society is biased toward the extrovert, which is funny considering about half of us are introverts. (It's also biased toward morning people, but that's another soap box.) So I love seeing articles like this that help make being an introvert seem so normal as opposed to some

Hey. An INTP-er here. I must object to the use of the word "flaky". Sure, I don't always follow through with every project, but I do usually circle back to them. I spent 8 years crocheting the same blanket. In my defense, it was for a king-sized bed, but still. Done. I crocheted other things in the interim, too.

Any other lit-nerds out there hear about these breastmilk swaps and immediately think of The Grapes of Wrath? No? Just me?

Okay, totally random, but when I googled "echidna" to find out what the heck it is (thanks, btw—I totally love learning new stuff!) the first link after the obligatory Wikipedia entry is a link to a YouTube video called "The World's Most Terrifying Penises: The Echidna".