Well said.
Well said.
That's my reaction, too. Sad for the kid, angry at the parents. Even if he (hopefully) grows up and realizes all the BS he'd been submerged in his whole life, he'll still have to deal with his racist, bigoted family for the rest of his life or cut ties entirely, which can be so, so hard even when it's so, so necessary.
$30k for giving birth?? One with no complications? For cereal??
I scrolled down specifically to find a comment like this. I knew that others would see the brilliance of a GG presidential ticket. I'd even take Rose as VP. Hell, she's halfway there, having already accidentally discharged a firearm. True, it was a vase and not another person, but it could have been Tom!
Ditto to the above. While I do totally understand parents taking off early for whatever reason, and while I'm willing to schedule my vacation time around school holidays so the parents can have those, it sucks to no end when you seem to be the one who's always putting in the extra hours or whose vacation time is…
Maybe you should try takin' a whack at Ouiser.
My mom's told me that she wants her sister to go through my parents' house before anyone else, so she can get rid of anything embarrassing, but she worried what would happen if her sister goes before them.
I so agree with this. No one's life looks good under the microscope.
Okay, I've read this three times, and it's still making me LOL at the office.
Whoops. So much for that Texas history class...
Not to quibble, but wasn't Ann Richards Republican?
Ew. I didn't think "rapey" when I first read it, and now I wonder how I didn't immediately make that connection.
I came to the comments just to say that. So totally agree. There's hope for a Governor Davis!
Oh, damn. You're right. I was so excited to find them, I didn't even think to click through to the store itself to see if they were available or not. Maybe the designer will have more down the line?
Meant to add that you could probably change out the bead on these pretty easy. Or, since it's Etsy, maybe the designer would be willing to change out the bead? (I've never actually ordered anything on Etsy, so I don't know.)
"The people can't come and create so much of a ruckus that we can't do our job."
I am confused. They photoshop the hell out of these pictures. Why can't they just take a photo in a nice, warm studio and then photoshop her into an Antartica scene instead of trying to killing her? I actually assumed that's what they did because these photos never seem to look real anyway.
Is it "white people" or "white males" considering women's vote is listed as a different category.
I've had an even number of psycho male bosses versus psycho female bosses. My two favorite former bosses were both women. I think the difference is being seen as a threat (ie women who tend to fall into the patriarchal concept of "another woman = threat!") versus being seen as someone to mentor (ie teach you…