
This is the #alllivesmatter of posts.


“Do you think she supports rapists? Really!”

And who ever said they wanted Tom Hardy as a role model? We just want to f*ck Tom Hardy. Not hope to be him one day.

Where to get natural-looking lip injectables the next time I’m in Beverly Hills:

Performance anxiety at the level of performance art.

She threw herself into a river?? Was she wearing the bathing suit and wool hat at the time?

I loooooooove that look her grandfather is giving that young man. How you gonna holla at a woman—-Rihanna no less—-in front of her grandfather?! What is wrong with some men?

The woolly hat is the most perplexing part of this story.

At the moment she was tripping those people she was, to me, the worst person in the world. Just in that moment only. She was. Yep.

Fuck the Chiefs.

I’ve never done anything near this level, but I ref my social dodgeball league and the shit I take compared to the guys is unbelievable. I’ve been called a bitch multiple times, one time told to watch the way I talk to people because I’m making myself unlikable, told that I don’t “know the fucking rules” and, in a

Huh. I drink day-old coffee that’s been sitting in my French press overnight on my kitchen counter. It’s fine.

Your Weekly Reminder:

Story time: My fella and I have one blanket on the bed he loves but I hate. I don’t like fuzzy fabric and the damn thing has this weird nap that makes me shiver whenever it touches me, which in a perfect world would be never. One night I felt that awful blanket graze my ankle so, being the mature cool-headed adult I

Not as interesting as her shame-the-homeless masterwork, but since the Sergeants Benevolent Association has picked up that beat, she had to find something new.

i always enjoy knowing who will be the first to go in the class war

I dont care for esport but do you apply that same condescending attitude to chess?

HOT TAKE: I fucking hate anyone who has a “deep knowledge about the variety of strains” and they legitimately make me yearn for marijuana to be illegal forever because that’s how fucking insufferable they are.

I live in Denver and have a friend who actually does this for a living! He writes reviews for the Denver Post and is also a comic and Podcaster. Homeboy truly knows how to live.