
Raven Plumas. Pluma(s) means feather in Spanish.

Sounds like the guy either has some issues or is a huge asshole. It’s terrible that your friend may have been scared or humiliated by the encounter but why did you feel the need to point out that the guy was Black twice? It adds absolutely nothing to the story except to question what else you and your friend may have

Nothing like a bad case of food poisoning that has it coming out both ends to bring a couple together.

I’m on an iPad so I can’t do gifs (Can I do gifs???) but when she hands her gum to the guy standing in the corner is one of my favorites. Love her.

Yes! All three of those are acceptable. I would also include Archer though.

My picture was actually decent, and I take the worst pictures known to man. But looking at how plucked to death my eyebrows were it's easy to tell why they're so spotty now.

That's Sonya Curry. Stephs mother.

They may be HIS friend but I think they care more about their brand than anything else, and they don't want their brand anywhere near her brand.

Yeah, I think if he was talking about some one other than Rita Ora there would be more people upset. But since it’s her we stick with the Who’s Rita Ora jokes. I don’t feel one way or the other about her, but fuck him. He cheated and is mad ‘cause got found out. Okay.

Seriously, I'm kinda disappointed there has been no mention of the Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner interview, unless I missed it posted elsewhere.

“No disrespect to the hippies and the hairy armpits and all that, but that’s not me ... I don’t want to be associated with pot’s negative image...”

Wow, I thought smoking an eighth a week was a little excessive. Now I feel much better about myself. Time to hit up the shop.

I go to the dispensary. I’ve thought about growing a plant or two but I procrastinate, a lot, and hardly ever get around to the doing. Also, I'm a woman, so going to the dispensary usually results in free shit.

Serious question, don’t parents explain to their kids that there are all types of couples/relationships? Not weird, not a choice, etc. Ffs, my kids are 10 and six and they know couples come in all shapes and sizes. The 10 years old knows about sex, reproduction, and ‘cause he’s Black knows about #BlackLivesMatter.

It took way too long for someone to mention this. She double downed on her ignorance and IDGAF attitude when she liked that post.

Missionary...dafuq? I'm going to assume the people who voted for missionary will also vote for makeup.

I finally stopped watching it a couple episodes ago. I can't stand Danny, least favorite character, and all the focus moving to their relationship just wasn't interesting. Or funny.

Yeah, my usual is 20% and cash. I was never sure when the staff actually got their cut when you put it on the card.

So, tipping, cash or on your card? Which is preferred by the waitstaff?