Yeah. The cast iron rule is never comment on a woman’s pregnancy unless (a) she mentions it first, or (b) you are her obstetrician and are actually delivering the baby at the time.
Yeah. The cast iron rule is never comment on a woman’s pregnancy unless (a) she mentions it first, or (b) you are her obstetrician and are actually delivering the baby at the time.
A battle between Lolo Jone and Raven-Symoné is one in the which the only satisfactory outcome is mutual destruction. WELCOME TO THE THUNDERDUMB.
This article (…) is amazing and I suggest you read it if you feel confusion about “black” names.
Your name is stupid to someone else, somewhere.
I just googled and apparently the “é” in Raven-Symoné’s name is NOT pronounced. It’s the same as “Simone.” Now THAT is a crime against the accent aigu.
I like “weird” random names. Fuck a Kevin, Chris, Michael. That’s some ordinary ass unimaginative shit!
I guarantee no hypothetical Peeple reviewer could eviscerate me as thoroughly as I could. And probably would, considering the direction any attempts to describe myself tend to go in.
I’ve spent my entire life leaving bad reviews about myself, I mean, once my badness was drilled into me by my parents: 1. A bit bipolar 2. I’m a phony, but a real phony. 3. Substance issues galore!!! 4. Lazy 5. Not as clever as I think I am. 6. Everyone is looking at me! 7. I'm hopeless with puzzles, and not the…
It wasn’t clear that getting the ok before posting “this” meant the video- in my mind, anyway. Seems like she was contacted and was aware of the article, but maybe not the video? If so, that’s very lame and the response to op inquiry very shady.
What do you think the reason for this response is?
They’ve been estranged for more than a year, as I mentioned more than once in the article. Their marriage is over in all but the irrelevant legalistic sense—as evidenced by the fact that Matt Barnes himself claimed to be pursuing a relationship with Rihanna not two months ago. Did he beat himself up for interfering in…
A point that a fair number of readers seem not to be getting is this: The problem isn’t that journalists made jokes about a grim story. The problem is that they based their jokes on pretty much all the facts and backstory of the story except for the single most salient and chronically overlooked one, and in so doing…
I think that one of the main reasons these jokes are considered acceptable is the way it was framed by the media - as a Barnes vs. Fisher battle . Two rich men acting like High Schoolers over a girl is funny. However, that framing eliminates Gloria from the story. By doing so, it eliminates the real terror that must…
Yes, it very much fucking is off base to say that, unless by “known better” you mean he should have been sitting at the front door with a shotgun waiting to greet this dickbag properly. It is not in any way required or expected for Derek Fisher or Gloria Govan to make relationship decisions based on fear of what Matt…
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect that professional sportswriters who bother to comment on this situation have some semblance of prior knowledge of Matt Barnes’ record. Especially given that a lot of them are using that very record as a basis for their back-slapping chortles.
As the exhausted patient of a dental practice that blasts Christian music, has Christian “art” everywhere, and whose employees ask me occasionally what church I go to, I say with excitement, sue their Christian asses out of business.
In the Backstreet Boys documentary (it’s a thing) they go back to Perelman’s house, where they got their start recording or where they lived when they started, and poor Nick Carter couldn’t even go inside because he was so freaked out by the memories of the place.
I mean... that “older guy” they worked with who touched them inappropriately was Lou Pearlman, right? Wasn't he arrested for possession of child pornography a few years ago?