
I used to really like Jennifer Weiner's books, like Good in Bed, In Her Shoes, and Little Earthquakes. I liked her sense of humor, her earthy, smart heroines, and the breezy pace of her books. I stopped reading because her heroines ended up being the same people, and it felt like I was reading about the same person

I've read (and own) a few of her books and I like them but they are your basic trade paperbacks. I think it's great that she writes about plus-size women and she's doing a wonderful thing for feminism and I hope her books keep selling loads. However, her writing and plots are not exceptional—at least not in my

Hell, I practically collect plus-size romance novels of the most angsty variety.

Wearing a bikini bottom 3 sizes too big = instant bikini bridge.

Bikini bridge? How about my bikini mountain! Far more fun to climb, and the view is great from up here.

My sympathies. At least the scandals around here are good for laughs and mostly make the politicians look like asshats instead of effecting women's health.

The Bruce Rauner commercials are leaving me GIDDY with possibilities of how far he will fall.


Wait... they're still on TV? Or did this article time travel from 2004?

As a person from IL and alive during Palin's reign of terror- I concur.

What have the people of Chicago have done to deserve looking at Rush Limbaugh naked?


I wish Rush Limbaugh was a liberal hoax.

I would assume it's a joke. Because no one would admit to being an Aaron Carter fan.

It knows what it did.

And 313,663,040 people demand that this asshole please disappear from our memories forever, kaythxbye

"In order for my views to be treated with respect, I demand that people who don't agree with my views to not be treated with respect." Interesting religion ya got there. I don't think Jesus would like this too much.

Um, I literally wrote "we don't know what Tori and Dean's arrangement is!"

Actually, they haven't been married 40 years. ( This is coming from my mom, whom I'm only assuming learned this from a segment on the Today Show, so plz take this with a grain of truth ) BUT. My mom and I were discussing our mutual hatred for these commercials and she said they have only been married something like 15

OMG, I know!! And when he says "I make messes," I'm like FUCK YOU, MORTY. Get up and help your wife before she breaks a goddamn hip!