Did Amo’s husband shit on her bed? This is important information for me to decide how much I care about any upcoming trial.
Did Amo’s husband shit on her bed? This is important information for me to decide how much I care about any upcoming trial.
Heaven forbid a video game be a game. Like wtf is turns into gamey gametown? That’s like saying “Citizen Kane was great but then it descends into filmy filmtown.” Yeah, that’s what it is.
Cryptofanatics and NFT diehards in particular seem to be Ryan from the Office incarnate.
it was a phishing scam
Man, entitled gamers strike again. Just because they *paid* for a *video game* they expect actual progress and updates towards that game being completed. What entitled babies.
*in Stefon’s voice
Ah, the good ole' "exposure" argument, just as self-serving now as it always has been.
I stand by the idea that casting off looks instead of acting talent is one of the key ingredients to bad adaptations. If one can get good acting AND similar looks, that’s a bonus but if they cast a character’s exact real-life double, but they act stiff as a board, it ain’t even worth it.
TIL that over 4,000 people paid an average of $460 for randomly-generated digital images of Neopets.
There are a lot of new companies making new games, go play those, this kind of combat is what fans of the company are looking for from them
I think more of a culmination than a rehash. Not sure why they should make a new kind of game when they are good at making the games they make.
Especially since, being china, the crime could be “posted a picture of Pooh Bear.”
Stop overusing emoji.
Why? Because one bug that has been around for a day and a half made parts of one game unplayable? I should quit all those games because they arent constantly perfect?
If you run EMP stickies it usually permanently stun-locks them because of the duration.
“We aren’t racist... we’re Polish!” feels so ridiculous (and hypocritical) that it’s instantly meme-worthy.
I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.