
I’m blaming the fuck out of her family. What kind of morons let an 8 year old drive an ATV? Unless it’s a child’s “My first ATV” type of thing

“My mind is calm, composed, and I’m ready to put on the performance of my life.”

That’s the one thing I like about Kinja, if you type in a social security number it will automatically be encrypted. See look: ×××-××-××××

Ah yes, the infamous “He was arrested for resisting arrest”

This is Lanesplitter. If you’re expecting intelligent thought about road safety you’re in the wrong place

Of course it’s the motorcyclist’s fault. The only people who defend him are cunts who ride like he does

Himalayan salt block or GTFO. You can cut right on it, y’know

Man, as if San Diego’s inferiority complex towards L.A. wasn’t bad enough. The Chargers moving just increased the one-sided rivalry tenfold

To promote argyle?

But that’s the problem with racism. It’s ignorance, not evil.

That’s not what Howard was inferring. What he meant was that they sucked but Klinsmann picked them anyway because of inherent bias against players in the American system. The segment was about his thoughts on Klinsmann’s firing, not his opinions of soccer as a whole

It would be a ridiculous take if it was written by a fat old racist who has never kicked a soccer ball. Tim Howard is a professional athlete talking about people who he has directly played with.

Ritter Sport or GTFO

The only people affected by this are Broncos and Raiders fans

The Nightman Cometh should be straight #1. It’s not the funniest episode of all time, but it took the show to a level of absurdism that made it what is today. HEY SPELLCHECK, ABSURDISM IS A WORD. YES. LOOK IT UP, I’LL WAIT

That’s why I’m confused why everyone (or just Barry) thinks that the owners want the Chargers to stay. If the Chargers end up staying after we told them to fuck off, wouldn’t the rest of the owners be afraid of other cities following suit?

Is there a non-embarrasing Overwatch character?

Don’t give Japan any ideas, now

The same reason the graphics are better, outer space is black and the colors are all different: He modded the shit out of it

Almost as bad as when people say “brooshetta”