
The original image below:

thanks for reminding me that Stargate is over and isn’t likely to get another series after universe tanked (because it spent too much time setting up back story and too many filler episodes) right as it was starting to get interesting and syfy basically cut the legs off atlantis and just gave it an abrupt “and then we

I think the bigger story here is why does the State of Michigan pension fund have 72 million in exposure in TSLA? How does this make any sense at all for any pension plan who are supposed to be more conservative by law with their retires money. Tesla books are ugly and they don’t hit their guidance. The only bull

Well, as a Chinese American, I find it insulting, disrespectful and ignorant that a Chinese American would equate an anime lens app with the WWII internment of Japanese Americans.

I don’t mind when studios double dip with advance warning like the LotR extended cuts or the X men Rogue cut, but this bugs me. I’ll buy it, but I will scowl while pressing add to cart.

They literally tried to make their own helmet, with Blackjack and hookers.

Man. Girls aren’t real. They’re just something made up to get people to buy cars.

Olympic fever. Catch it!

OK, in THEORY a proper stealth fighter should need a lot less weaponry than a F-15E carrying eighty missiles on sixteen pylons. You stealth in, blow someone the fuck up while they’re still wondering how a pigeon got to forty thousand feet and stealth away again. It destabilizes their whole C&C to never know exactly

Probably still cheaper than the F-35.

Perhaps you would like to try it against an F302....

Exactly, I’m staring at the lead image forever, resisting the urge to scroll down and see the answer, I finally scroll down, see it immediately in the full picture and get pissed that it wasn’t in the original picture to start with.

Not in the lead image, I can’t. :P

It’s also because different parts of the blade are different metals, to put it simply, they weld different bits for the core, edge etc.... it is designed to do that and different sword types have different curvatures based on these formulae, there are even partially double edged styles. So saying just the Ha and the

Don’t waste your breath - I’m fairly certain he doesn’t read his comments given how many readers have made futile attempts to communicate how this blog deserves more than reposting trending youtube videos.

GotG isn’t out until May next year. There’s approximately zero chance you wouldn’t have found this out before you see it on screen unless you hid under a rock.

I didn’t really care which character he’s playing, they had me as soon as they said “Kurt Russell”...

*pours water in front of his living room fan*

I liked the sand creature area and eventually commanding them. I think the variety and, while linear, slightly open play was the only real reason it was so popular. Nothing else stands out as all that impressive.