
If ever there was a case for a Hi-Lo acquisition mix in the modern one-size-fits-all ‘waste-era’ of military aircraft procurement, re-fuselaged S-3s and new V-22s could possibly make great complimentary stable mates.

I think this is the third time I’ve seen this account written on FA/Giz/(i09 too??).

Not sure I remember the scene that’s from, but that’s a HORRIBLE design, you’d not only FOD out the engines when you came to land, you’d likely also FOD out the airframe, blast hot/flaming debris/exhaust onto the tires, completely obscure the view from the windscreen with dust and dirt clods, but at least you’d create

These kinds of stories always intrigued me, were you in the mechanical/engineering design field prior to your incident, or was this just a back-burner mental exercise you’d occasionally do that suddenly got put into overdrive? If the former, do you feel like you started making a lot more connections that you had


Both VanWagon and Ace are accurate, but so is “Toyota Van.” My parents had an ‘85 “Totota Van” (as all the owners manuals referred to it as) that was the first vehicle I learned to drive in the late ‘90s.

I’m a military pilot, and one of the dudes in my squadron survived an airplane crash and an ensuing rescue helicopter crash, both in one day. That was in his previous platform. I’ve flown with him and feel extra safe that statistically, he’s not going to crash again.

Randomly watched the last season of that series on Netflix, then binge-watched the entire IP.

I like it, Oregon Trail, The Edge of Tomorrow style.

If you saw what not using a zero/zero ejection seat in a dire moment might do to a human body, you’d definitely reconsider...

Alternatively, you can have the same pen layout, put five pigs in each of the four proper pens, and turn that 21st pig into an epic meal time dish...

Build the four pens of equal size in squares in an open-centered ‘plus sign’ formation, with four common corners touching. This is four pens creating five enclosures.

Because of minds like yours and mine, they'll probably have some sort of verified bidder process, or maybe that auction site already has that (I've never bid on warbirds before...) to prevent it from hitting 9 figures by the end of the auction.

Please don't bring logic or a competent understanding of aircraft systems into this discussion, that's just not sensational enough for a Gawker article/headline.

Being that’s a Herc he’s flying behind, I don’t doubt he’s on the unfavorable side of the F-35B power curve and hence at a higher AoA than his design cruise speed, but have you seen vortices like that in any other fighter during straight and level flight? Normally you only get that during maneuvering of some type, or

Check out that high wing loading in level flight...

That BBC article is both interesting, and funny!


You must mean like the CV-22s in Transformers which were filmed at Kirtland AFB (IIRC), or the C-17 filmed in *Name Any Recent Marvel/DC Movie* with DoD coordination, or the time sitting USAF Chief of Staff Gen. Ryan starred in a StarGate SG-1 episode, or the time in the movie Stealth where they filmed a huge prop on

As a pilot, I haven’t heard of designs to abandon engine bleed air consumers with battery powered devices; I would think that would probably require a lot more amperage than current GPUs provide, especially considering the pressurization and de-ice/anti-ice requirements on large aircraft (that are slowly becoming the