
Do some research. Everything is not automatically “a record”. Thing as deleted all the time. As long as they are not considered an official record, and they are being deleted as part of some normal practice, it is not at all unusual and certainly not illegal. Gizmodo has gone from an interesting tech site to utter

Way to report normal trasition changes and big news.

The assumption that the Trump side of the house is less intelligent is naïve to the extreme. I am willing to bet that Trump and most of his chosen advisers have a higher IQ than the author of this story.

Remember, according to this and related sites, it is only fake-news if it makes a person or organization you _like_ look bad. If it is about someone you don’t like, you can spew all the bullshit you want.

No one has been paying the property taxes, so the state can sell the land to pay back taxes even with Zuck.

Sorry, you are wrong. There are two electronically independent sensors attached to the throttle pedal. Please explain this magic glitch that can cause them both show the exact same wrong data at exactly the same time. The dual-sensor electronic throttle is mature technology used in millions of cars and they have been

Um, no. If I need to decide between being t-boned by a garbage truck or driving into my garage door, my car better damn well let me.

No they don’t. They are using an industry standard pedals/sensors and producing standard electronic logs. The guy does not have a case. He is just trying to win in the court of public opinion to force a settlement. Stupid move in my opinion.

In this case, none of that matters. The autonomous functions were not even turned on. This is simply the case of a driver claiming an electronic throttle told the computer that the pedal was pressed when it was not. However, there is a 99.99999% chance that he is wrong. The odds that the simple, redundant sensors on

Electronic throttle pedals and the logs they generate are bog standard and not at all unique to Tesla. They have been proven over many years and millions of miles. That part of the system is carefully documented and the source code for all of it is not only reviewable in the current form when legally necessary, they

No, they have exactly what they need. The public just has no legal right to see it. The folks involved with the court case will have access to a continous stream of logs starting well before the problem and continuing after the crash. The logs will show that the two redundant sensors on the throttle pedal both show

There is no “complete belief”. This is not a case of fuzzy logic gone wrong where we are being asked to take Tesla’s word on some complex issue. In this case, two the independant sensors show that the pedal was pressed to the floor. Tesla is not going to make the public statement that the throttle was as max if it

Tesla did not say it went from slow to floored in one step. In most of these cases the drive thinks they are lightly applying the brakes, but hit the gas, only lightly at first, but when they go faster, they don’t stop what they are doing and switch pedals, they press the pedal they are on harder. So it goes slow,

Not if you actually want to have credibility. Two wrongs don’t make a right an all that. All this story tells me is that Deadspin believes that unconfirmed reports about a person we like is Fake News and bad, but unconfirmed reports about a person we dislike is perfectly reportable. Hypocrites.

Where are you getting “raw” cashews? From what I read, you normally can’t get raw cashews because in the raw state they contains a chemical related to the irritant in poison-ivy and can make people sick.

“terrorize Soylent stans”... Really?

I also keep my eggs in the cooler because they stay fresh longer and I do not use them very quickly. A day on the counter is about the same as a week in the fridge when it comes to freshness.

You forgot to remind everyone to remove Gizmodo from their reading lists until they actually quit ranting about politics and return to writing about technology.

> And then he takes a boat home. Fuck this movie.

If they made one that would use magsafe and charge the Mac that would be perfect.