
Just a tip from your friendly Kinja insurance adjuster. We also go through your social media.

I am trying to wrap my brain around how public postings and gathering info based on those postings is illegal.

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

I truly think there are millions of people out there who believe the Model X (or S) really is some magical computer on wheels unlike any other vehicle out there. None of them realize that the throttle and ECU tech (and many other things) in the Tesla’s is nothing special compared to everything else currently on the

For the millionth goddamn time look up the definition of “Auto-Pilot” as its been used since the beginning. It wasnt misnamed, they only failed to take into account that regular people are idiots.

What a twat.

There is no product called Dove Soap. You are just an idiot.

Buddy. Who died and made you soap police? But seriously, folks. I will counter this anecdotal diatribe with a story of my own. I use Dove in the shower and I'm generally clean/not greasy. It appears to function as soap. What did Dove do to you, man?