
Did you not RTFA? It says “Hellcat, which went up in flames due to a mechanical failure”.

Yea, because on Gizmodo, the presumption of innocence doesn’t generate enough page views.

Wow, you mean a new 3D interface that has been out for a couple of weeks is not as good as the ones that have been being worked on and updated over the past couple year? Shocking.

If you can afford it, I see no problem with paying extra to not wait for someone else to have it in stock.

Will it include Shia LeBeouf with a paper sack on his head? If so, count me in! :)

More like Daikatana /shudder

Folks would adapt very quickly. I have seen professions give multi-hour talks at a smart-board that works exactly as you describe.

If you go to one of their presentations, abstain from the Kool-Aid.

ROFL.. yea right... The new iPhone always sells out everywhere... they _should_ charge a premium for it for the first 3 months...

Actually came here to say this.. and you beat me to it.

iPhone X? Really... how about the HoloLens and all the Windows MR HMDs?

I do most of the cooking in my house and my mother was a professional cook, yet I loved soylent 1.0 for the very reason it was created.. it is a fasy easy way to get some nutrition when you don’t have much time. 

Those of us that actually read the book, know that Soylent was NOT people.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I think it is bad enough being on camera all the time because of mobile phones, I don’t want everyone wearing glasses that can take photos and videos at a moments notice.

It is not deception to adjust prices based on demand. For it to be deception, at some point they would have had to claim that they would never lower prices.

The min specs are available. Integrated video is only supported on specific Skylake processors I believe.

>LastPass stores your password on its servers while 1Password keeps that data protected locally, making you less susceptible to hackers

Does anyone really trust Gizmodo for political opinion?

I use Bing on all my devices and so do man other people I know. We are a minority, but not as small a minority as people claim. Microsoft is making millions on search. Don’t forget that Siri uses Bing.