
Tesla did not say it went from slow to floored in one step. In most of these cases the drive thinks they are lightly applying the brakes, but hit the gas, only lightly at first, but when they go faster, they don’t stop what they are doing and switch pedals, they press the pedal they are on harder. So it goes slow,

Not if you actually want to have credibility. Two wrongs don’t make a right an all that. All this story tells me is that Deadspin believes that unconfirmed reports about a person we like is Fake News and bad, but unconfirmed reports about a person we dislike is perfectly reportable. Hypocrites.

Where are you getting “raw” cashews? From what I read, you normally can’t get raw cashews because in the raw state they contains a chemical related to the irritant in poison-ivy and can make people sick.

I also keep my eggs in the cooler because they stay fresh longer and I do not use them very quickly. A day on the counter is about the same as a week in the fridge when it comes to freshness.

“very designed approach”? Are you saying “design centric” or “well designed”? The app looks good, but I am not sure what you mean.

Based on public numbers, they made a goid chunk of it back on client sales already. I can only imagine how much they are making on merchandise.

The part that no one ever seems to talk about, is that if we use less gas, we processed less crude. If we process left screwed, the price of plastic goes way up.

The major change is in the title .. unlimited song skipping.

3D printers are good enough now that you are mainly limited by your imagination. Spend 10 minutes here and tell me you did not find anything worth printing.

3D printers are good enough now that you are mainly limited by your imagination. Spend 10 minutes here and tell me

The vast majority of people will not buy one. Those who do already show a maker or tinker bent and as with most things in life will get out of their 3Dprinter pretty much what they put in. You obviously would get nothing out of one since you have already written them off as useless. That is your problem, not 3D

The vast majority of people will not buy one. Those who do already show a maker or tinker bent and as with most

That is not my experience at all. When I first got my Di Vinci Jr ($300 form B&N) I had a great time just making lots of pre-designed things from Thingiverse. Since then I have also made mounting brackets and replacement parts for things around the house by modeling them in sketchup. You don’t have to be an expert

That is not my experience at all. When I first got my Di Vinci Jr ($300 form B&N) I had a great time just making

Save yourself from leached plasticizers.. get glass containers.

The major updates like 1511 and 1608 are full OS installs with data and program migration. Of course default apps come back.

So, you unaware that homo sapiens are collectively known as the race of Man?

So, you unaware that homo sapiens are collectively known as the race of Man?

You should never buy a autonomous car. The only way they can ever work and safe and not destroyed by litigation is for all the data they collect to be available to both the manufacturer and the court system in the case of litigation.

This! Remember HP = (RPMxTorque)/5252. Those little suckers run at really high RPM.

People do not choose to be uncomfortable. Choosing to not have a conversation with your customers would be selfish. Having anxiety about it and feeling uncomfortable is not a choice, and therefore cannot be selfish.

Sorry, scratch that... it already had a blank password.

On Win 10 Pro all I had to do was activate the existing guest account and set its password.
net user Guest /active:yes