I know! Everyone's had a hard-on for Gone Home for some reason and nothing on Amnesia...
I know! Everyone's had a hard-on for Gone Home for some reason and nothing on Amnesia...
I don't own one and would like to wait for a price drop. Obviously there's the whole no games thing, but as soon as we start getting the first party games that point will be moot. Hopefully the console doesn't die before then.
I am torn between getting the PS3 or Vita version of Dragon's Crown. I know it'll look awesome on the Vita, but I think I'd rather play on the big screen... anyone else have this dilemma?
NES, SNES, Genesis, GameBoy,GameGear, N64,PSX,Dreamcast,PS2,Gamecube,PS3,PSP,X360,Wii,PSVita
I haven't heard anyone say it, but it seems to me that Joel was just too emotionally and psychologically disturbed to handle losing Ellie after becoming so attached to her. To anyone trying to justify Joel's lie by saying he's giving Ellie a chance to live and he's transferring the burden of not sacrificing herself to…
Despite the game being made by a Canadian developer, a lot of the "lingo" of the game used by the characters, the signs, or even the words that pop on the screen after stringing a long combo are accurately Mexican. I can see how some may be offended by the game but I am actually glad to see a game starring a luchador…
Kotaku has turned me on to various different artists, movies, books and other works in different media thanks to its Off-Topic posts. Heck I discovered Justice by browsing the comments and seeing a commentors YouTube video of him dancing to NewJack, and they're now one of my favorite acts. Keep on doing what you're…
I can see where you're coming from, though your thoughts on human life being "worthless" are a bit morbid. If you stop focusing on the fact that you might not achieve anything "great" or anything that benefits mankind as a whole, then you can find joy in being a spectator of sorts. In the grandest of schemes, all of…
If there's any one aspect of the game which wasn't perfect it would be the gameplay, it just felt... antiquated to me for some reason, can't really put my finger on it. Plus the fact that you can only instantly switch between two vigors and can only hold two guns at a time really made the combat more tedious. Despite…
He should've been a dick about it, that way the fans won't feel sad that he took the news like a gentleman and quite clearly does want to be brought aboard the project. Here's hoping Kojima finally got the PR stunt thing right and we get Hayter in a Solid Snake flashback or something...
Is it ok to steal? No. Plain and simple. Have humans evolved morally to do the right thing even if there are no consequences in doing so? No, including the companies selling us games. So if they fuck up, you can be damn sure I'm gonna take from them. (unless its a company i care for, which are few and far between.)
Am I the only one that didn't really darksiders 2? I felt it bland and boring and death wasn't as awesome as war. I loved the first game but something about the second just stopped me from even beating it. I know I'm more than halfway through but I can't bring myself to pick it up again.
Stuff like this is what made me downgrade from a galaxy nexus to an iphone 4. I'm very much an android enthusiast but the lack of support for games and such made me cave... Maybe a year from now android will get all the stuff thats coming out now like it has in the past.
Nevermind, the folks at Polygon clarified it and it is indeed the same game.
Soooo, is the Phanton Pain officially MGS5? I.m.confuze...
I've been around since 2008, commenting here and there and this update shows the evolution of the site and the intent to include Kotakus readers even more. I do feel nostalgia when seeing images of the original layout, but it does show its age at this point. Looking forward to using all the new features.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember seeing any articles or posts about the violence Lara Croft endures in the recent Tomb Raider. I realize that they are two completely different games but from what I've seen, the violence in God of War is pretty standard for the series. I don't think gaming…
I have, it's entertaining (sometimes), but still shitty. :)
Criticizing shitty TV with a gif of shitty TV.
And we finally got that simpsons game. Anyone know if its any good?