As a critic, I endeavour to approach each game I play with an open mind. It’s almost impossible, however, not to have…
As a critic, I endeavour to approach each game I play with an open mind. It’s almost impossible, however, not to have…
IKEA stores are hell on Earth and bring out the worst in people. This train is far better than the sad IKEA bus in Brooklyn, though.
"Even the most ridiculous design has a purpose" says the creator of this virtual countdown timer in the building…
I'm torn on the "reading on their own before video games" advice. My own parental instinct agrees. Video games can numb the brain and enforce artificial feedback, potentially retarding reading development. On the other hand, a video game could produce an impetus to read. I've got two kids - my daughter loved to sit on…
Back in summer, I called Monogatari Second Season one of the five anime you should be watching. This is because it…
Reader Toad has got hold of a ton of old VHS promos for Nintendo games, played in game stores in Japan in the early…
It's got to be a coincidence. It simply can't be real… right? But… what if it is?
Im gonna still hold onto hope, and believe that this is all a big farce on Kojima's part. As sincere and sad as Mr. Hayter's message was, it is still April 1st....
In all its Supergiant Games glory, here is that 15-minute PAX East demo, thanks to TotalHalibut. Listen to that…