
Holy crap, you have to be the most negative thinking gaming journalist out there. I've been through the history of your posts and the majority of them have something negative to say about whatever game you're talking about. Why do you even play or try to be a part of the industry? More importantly, why does kotaku

Smash Bros for Wii U is my first smash game and I am having a great time playing. I haven't seen any instances like this but the online community so far has been forgiving despite my noobness. I can totally see myself playing this for a good long time. Now if I could just get that up tilt move to work without jumping

The title of the game made me think Kotaku was implying that the Spider Man 2 game was "Amazing" when it probably won't be.

The one in Houston is terrible on the weekends. Way too many people and I've even seen soiled diapers left on shelves twice!

If your son/daughter wants to play video games and you don't buy them a console or handheld all you're doing is setting yourself up to be the "you can't do that because I did it before and it was wrong" type of parent. You giving them a sob story about how you "lost" those years of your life instead of having

I was looking for a comment stating that this was another win for PS4, and meant the imminent demise of the XBO. Couldn't find it so here it goes:

I love how a lot of the comments are all defending the PSP and saying stuff like "well it IS the best handheld ever" or other shit like that. Way to prioritize the content of the story guys and gals! Truth is these fucks just asked for PSP for shits and giggles. Would've tortured the woman anyway.

I agree, definitely should not even be nominated for GOTY.

Although I found myself engrossed in the setting truly immersed thanks to the great sound design, I found the story lackluster and its presentation even more so. For all the attention to detail given to the house, it was impossible for me to believe that anyone would leave their whole life story lying around in

So wait, who's the Green Goblin? Are they just skipping Norman and going with Harry? In the first movie, Garfield's Spider-Man was barely able to best Lizard, and now we expect him to take on Electro and the Green Goblin and come out alive? My hopes aren't high for this one. Seriously, other than Marvel Studios, no

I agree with you, and I always wonder if it's because the majority of gamers fit the "neck-beard" living in mom's basement" stereotype. People that obviously have self-esteem issues and cannot take ANY criticism whatsoever. I get that Orth's comments were unwarranted, but at most, he should've been reprimanded by MS

I think they implemented something like that since 10.8. I'm using a DS3 on my mac with no problems. Steam detects it as an xbox controller. Link shows you how to set it up

Not exactly perfect, but one of my faves is Outlaw Star.

"Escapist fantasies absurdly disconnected from real life. Gone Home isn't like that." I'm sorry, but I beg to differ. First of all, if I were gone for a year from home and were coming back, my family would know and wouldn't just leave the home expecting to let myself in. Secondly, who the fuck leaves so many notes and

A group who should focus on the actual game and not have their opinion swayed just because the story is centered on a topic that is "in." I wanted to play a good game, not learn about how "hard" the middle class has it with their first world problems. The game had good atmosphere but the ending just fell flat imo.

YES! So much YES! I didn't dislike the game but definitely don't get where all the hype is coming from.

I totally understand where you're coming from. Most critical reviews are praising this game as a milestone in storytelling, but I personally found it just a decent game with an ok story. Definitely not worth the asking price.

I'm pretty sure I found most of the relevant information. Mom and dad's struggles, both personal and professional, all the stupid notes left around for no apparent reason and whatnot. I did not enjoy it at all and don't get where all the praise is coming from.

I don't get why so many gaming outlets are so enthusiastic about this game. It was a decent game (though overpriced) which you can finish in under an hour and the story exposition isn't even that good or novel. Meanwhile, gaming journalists are making it seem like the fucking second coming of Christ. 7/10... tops....