
I actually discovered kotaku thanks to commentors saying they were gonna migrate to kotaku after the UGO thing. the 1up show was awesome.

Very true, I would occasionally go back after UGO came in but it wasn't the same. I distinctly remember watching a video of some of the crew playing street fighter 4 looking for people to rage quit and make fun of them, and I said no more. Not that rage quitters aren't funny, but it just rubbed me the wrong way.

The fact that the artwork is very distinguishable attests to its effectiveness. Ugliness is subjective so it really doesn't matter whether or not you think it's "ugly, not retro."

I'm getting the browser not supported message. Is it working for other chrome users or is it because I'm on a chromebook?

oh man I never would've guessed that! and i love that game too (despite all the hate from contra purists). thanks!

Could someone please tell me who the last dog is with the green helmet? I'm sure I've seen him somewhere but can't remember and it's really messing with me!