
I like how she's good at sitting on stools.

I like it. This picture is good.

I'll allow it


This will only work until I unleash my ASCII malevolent pornbot on the word, but till then it's a perfect solution.

It seems like there's a simple solution: don't allow html in burner posts. Only text. It seems like this would be super easy.

I'm getting married in... shit, less than three months, and I like to think I'm quite reasonable. My take on the matter has always been that everyone else is doing me a favor. Literally nobody else on the face of the planet cares about my wedding as much as I do, and the people who show up anyway - never mind the ones

6. If your [sic] only going to show up for food and alcohol and really have no interest other than that

why do you think the original reddit post has since been deleted?

I did the exact same thing once at The Cheesecake Factory. You should have seen the look on that god damn kid's face when I bought up all the cheesecakes in the place. The resulting Chapter 7 bankruptcy was so worth it

That is not how government works.
This is how government works.
Just rent some members of congress and then things will happen.

It wasn't Carmelo. He wouldn't even pass gas.

I've seen many raves that I thought would never end.

I've seen fire throwers and I've seen rain.

I ended up writing the bar because I spaced out on signing up to use a laptop (in my state at that time they only had a certain number of slots for laptops). I hadn't written a goddamn thing down by hand since high school. By the time I finished the written portion day one I was averaging about four words per blue

Googling that to confirm its existence is probably the riskiest professional thing I have ever done.

The podcast "How Did This Get Made?" is made for those of us who love this shit. Highly recommend.

Anyone know where I can buy one of those lickin' machines? No reason.