I guess all that sweet Alan Thicke inheritance money will be going to pay for this judgment instead of hair product...
I guess all that sweet Alan Thicke inheritance money will be going to pay for this judgment instead of hair product...
I’m amazed to see the league president be so honest about the current number of WNBA fans: “While not ideal, it was the best available solution to accommodate both our fans”
I’m sure this has been said before, but the amount of HP that cars have these days is just ridiculous. I drive a 2016 Mustang GT with the 435 stock HP and it is plenty enough. People ask me all the time why I don’t put a supercharger on it or some other modification. 435 hp is enough to scare the sh#t out of my kids…
What’s funny is that while reading this article, Fury Road, kept coming to mind. Maybe because it was the last wall-to-wall action film that I can think of since this one that used real practical effects.
I took my son to his first baseball game ever a few weeks ago at Angels stadium when they were playing the Dodgers. They lost, but Trout hit a home run that game. He was instantly my son’s favorite player and he told me he wanted Trout to sign the Angels baseball he just bought as a souvenir. I kinda laughed and…
But telling my kid that I will carry them like a piece of luggage would only get them excited to be carried like a piece of luggage. I do agree with the premise though, that if you give a warning, you better be prepared to follow through on consequences because kids will see you as a pushover very quickly.
This, however, does not seem to work on my wife when I want to leave a party early. I’m the anti-social one who wants to do an Irish goodbye as I’m walking out the front door. She likes to do an individual goodbye to each person she knows before she leaves. I’ve tried to just get up and walk out without her but it…
It indicates possession. Of Graham?
That was the exact same image that came to my mind when I watched it.
This is a tragedy. Until more details come out it’s not smart to speculate, but my mom always told me that nothing good happens after midnight. My dad would have just told me, “Son, don’t ride your bike at 1 a.m.” Now that I’m 37 years old with kids, I tend to agree with them.
You can ridicule my political leanings all you want, but don’t assume I only have a superficial understanding of “the real issues.” I agree that most libertarian ideas wouldn’t work in the real world, which is why I said I’m an independent with libertarian leanings. I have a hard time hitching my wagon to one…
I can’t believe you would call me a racist! HOW DARE YOU! You know that makes you a homophobe, right? Ok then.
So you are claiming that Republicans are the only ones wasting money? It never ceases to amaze me how blinded Republicans and Democrats are by their hatred of the other side that they can never admit to problems that exist in their own side.
I agree. But what I’m arguing is that when either party wastes public money, it should be called out no matter what your political affiliation, right? You’re not going to claim that Republicans are the only ones wasting money on luxury/vanity, are you?
So, I may have a more nuanced view of Trump than most of the readers of this site, but I wouldn’t say I like him. I think he’s an idiot and a garbage human being. But to the extent that his policies benefit me personally, I don’t mind having him in office. Of course, I’d prefer to have an actual libertarian in office…
What’s funny is that this is the first article you’ve ever written where I can say that I almost agree with you. As a libertarian, I think it’s idiotic that cities and states will compete to give tax advantages to companies. But where we differ is the idea that the federal government should restrict the cities and…
As an independent who falls closest to libertarian on the political spectrum, there’s nothing I love more than seeing the left-wing complain about how much Trump and his family are costing the country in tax dollars. You point out that it will be interesting to see whether the right-wing will complain when there’s a…
I’m offended that you would point out that somebody else might be wrong for being offended over an internet comment.
Unfortunately, he got away with it for way too long. Living the rest of his life in jail isn’t punishment enough for the lives he’s ruined. I do like the idea of forcing him to listen to his victims’ testimony over and over again. Seems appropriate.
Wait, who is teaching men to “always, always, always push and ignore” women’s boundaries? I was never taught this and I don’t know any man who would say they were. Now maybe I’m in the minority here? I don’t know.