Are we not done with these tired apocalyptic warning posts yet? Aren’t you weary of labeling 63 million Americans as backwoods idiots who just had the wool pulled over their eyes?
Are we not done with these tired apocalyptic warning posts yet? Aren’t you weary of labeling 63 million Americans as backwoods idiots who just had the wool pulled over their eyes?
Why don’t we give this guy the benefit of the doubt? I’m pretty sure he just had a Magic 8 Ball under there and he was shaking it to get an answer to whether he should publicly masturbate to those cheerleaders.
Wow. No words. +1.
This is so dumb. The definition of posse is: “a body of men, typically armed, summoned by a sheriff to enforce the law.” I’d actually see it as pretty badass to be referred to as a member of a posse.
I wasn’t commenting on his quality as a human being. I’m not one of those people who can’t watch a Woody Allen or Roman Polanski movie because of what they’ve done in their personal lives.
This might be an unpopular opinion around here, but I actually like Mark Wahlberg. I can turn on The Italian Job just about any time and enjoy it. He’s at his best when you don’t have to take him seriously. This movie, though, just looks like garbage.
Wait, George W. Bush’s middle name is Walker? Who knew?
They may have added this to the article after you made your comment, but there’s another Venmo account under his name that has received donations as well.
Who can I pay to get a canvas print of that space baby illustration? I want to hang it on my office wall.
There’s never a need to cut jorts short. They already are.
This joke is beautiful. Mostly because I live in NeVAda.
Unfortunately, there’s not a lot more they can do in a he said/she said case like this. They are getting paid top dollar to make horrible arguments like this.
Maybe he would have had better luck learning his English from Howard Cosell:
I was really conflicted about this at first, because he seemed genuinely sincere in his apology and I’ve never seen a rapist just admit to what he did and try to make amends. But then as I thought about it more, I realized that he’s just trying to keep her quiet so she won’t report it and he can keep his career…
I usually love reading through the comments section here. But every time I come across one of your comments, it seems like you make nothing but condescending, negative statements and personal attacks. What are you so angry about all the time?
It’s called UniGawker
To be fair, Hot Pockets destroy my digestive system even though I eat like garbage on a daily basis.
This series is fun! Bring back the 500 Days of Kristin Cavallari!
Those renderings don't make any sense. If the stadium is built in the location represented in the first picture, then there would be no view of the Luxor and the Mandalay Bay as shown in the second picture.