
Unfortunately, there’s not a lot more they can do in a he said/she said case like this. They are getting paid top dollar to make horrible arguments like this.

Maybe he would have had better luck learning his English from Howard Cosell:

I was really conflicted about this at first, because he seemed genuinely sincere in his apology and I’ve never seen a rapist just admit to what he did and try to make amends. But then as I thought about it more, I realized that he’s just trying to keep her quiet so she won’t report it and he can keep his career

I usually love reading through the comments section here. But every time I come across one of your comments, it seems like you make nothing but condescending, negative statements and personal attacks. What are you so angry about all the time?

It’s called UniGawker

To be fair, Hot Pockets destroy my digestive system even though I eat like garbage on a daily basis.

This series is fun! Bring back the 500 Days of Kristin Cavallari!


Those renderings don't make any sense. If the stadium is built in the location represented in the first picture, then there would be no view of the Luxor and the Mandalay Bay as shown in the second picture.

Wait, what? I feel like there's a lot to that story that you need to elaborate on. Who choked you out? And why?

Yeah, after college I just never seemed to have the time or maybe the desire to seek out new music. Welcome to the world of the uncool.

Thanks. It's good to know I can just come here to complain about my job every night instead of going to a bar.

What do we do here in the Deadspin Up All Night? Post our favorite music videos?

Hey, I came over here from Gawker to ask if anyone knows what happened to the remaining posts of 500 Days of Kristin? It seems they didn't make it all the way through the 500 days.

Solomon only got upset that he wasn’t asked to split the baby... back ribs! HEY-OH!

How far along is Leitch’s bid to take over Deadspin again?

Yeah, except the problem with that logic is that if everybody abides by it then we will always have a shitty, rigged, two-party system where we have to choose between the “lesser of two evils” because people don’t believe the system can be changed. I refuse to vote for either of these clowns.

You make a good point that this is a much more complicated legal situation than what the author of the article portrays. However, I think the main point of her article is still very valid, that Nike is being incredibly tone-deaf when dealing with this issue.

I have a bit of a different angle on Yelp. As an attorney whose business is greatly affected by online reviews, Yelp is THE WORST! At one point, I had 8 positive reviews from different paying clients. I then had one client who was frustrated with a ruling made by a judge. I was thoroughly prepared and did my job, but

Didn't you read his post? He said he learned about it in the 90's in an AOL forum. Totally legit science being taught there. :)