
I’ll acknowledge that I’m white and that I have little interest in rap, whether it’s from a white guy or a black guy, but you completely undermine the point you’re trying to make by essentially saying that Macklemore is objectively a worse rapper than the black artists you name. Sure, there may be a lot of people who

After reading the headline, I assumed the assailants covered the victim in blood, urine and feces. But after reading it, it sounds as though it may have been the victim’s own blood, urine and feces, caused by the assault. Right? I think I’ll be done with the internet for today.

I know I might be in the minority, but I wasn’t a fan. I’ve only seen it once and I should probably revisit it but I remember being very underwhelmed. I watched it just after watching (and loving) The Good The Bad and The Ugly and Once Upon a Time in the West and compared to those two films it just seemed average. I’m

The twist is that their “mommy” was really their daddy. He murdered their mom and then underwent a gender reassignment operation to look like their mother and moved them away to hide from the police.

Can someone explain to me why the skin on his bicep is starting to look like the skin on my ballsack?

Let’s all calm down a bit here. This kid builds a clock and he gets invited to the White House? I built a clock in Woodshop in the 7th grade and all I got was a B+.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Watched it at least 100 times as a kid.

“Four flips doesn’t look that hard. What took these losers so long to do three?”

I was wondering why the video was so long, and after watching him struggle to walk the first batter I thought there was no way they would walk another one. Oh boy, am I glad I was wrong.

I agreed with your first paragraph, but you do realize your second paragraph makes no sense, right? There are only 30,000 vehicle related deaths in the entire United States each year, with a population of over 300 million. That means your chances of dying on the I-90 on the 4th of July weekend are almost

It’s time to give it a try, my friend.

5. Bubble gum. How the fuck does a stick of bubble gum create so much odor?

Die Nationalelf and for Gresshoppene

I even dress like that.

The bigger concern here is the tight white shorts and the moose-knuckle. Sandals are the least of this guy's problems. Also, lace leggings.

When my wife and I were newly married, we tried making new recipes every night for dinner. One night she tried a chinese chicken recipe that called for 1/4 tsp of crushed red pepper. She read it as 1/4 cup of red pepper. After taking a bite, our mouths were on fire. So we scrapped dinner that night and ate Cold Stone

All that chalk graffiti on the ground and not a single dong? Seems like such a waste.

So I'm an attorney in Las Vegas, and none of the information in this article surprises me one bit. I have experienced first-hand the cronyism that goes on in Las Vegas courts. If you're going up against a member of the "old boys club" and you're not a member yourself, good luck winning an argument.

Sometime last year, I was walking to my car, thankfully on my way FROM court and not on the way to it. I had a serious stomach issue and thought I could get away with letting out a small fart. No such luck. Completely shit myself in one of my nicer suits. Had to drive all the way home for a change of clothes before

I hate to be that guy, but I just wanted to point out a minor error in the article. And somebody else may have already pointed it out. You say "There are fully 33 million more GenXers than GenY." It should be the other way around. There are 33 million more GenYers than GenX.