Wrong Pacifica, but you knew that
Wrong Pacifica, but you knew that
POS like the Pacifica? What other PHEV minivan is available on the market? And have you driven or sat in one? We’re a far cry from the plasticky Caravan days.
I never charge my PHEV after midnight.
I’ve tried to rent an Impala just for a comfy ride, but the last couple times a few years ago they had me in a previous gen Impala (but current model year - fleet special.) Fool me twice, in that piece of shit, shame on me.
They’re really not though. We rented a Mazda6 out of SeaTac, and thank god I forgot my sunglasses at home - when we stopped at a nearby store before heading up to Vancouver, I happened to check the tires and they were balder than F1 slicks. I’m not trying to drive 500 miles in Pacific NW weather on bald tires. The…
I think if offered a free one, I’d rather walk places
Not the first time I’ve heard that Honda’s drivers aid implementations are poor. I love the ACC and LKA on my Charger, it actually keeps a comfortably close distance to the car in front, and accelerates fairly hard back up to speed.
No olives will ever date my pizza
Winning? What is this, Charlie Sheen on his Violent Torpedo of Truth tour, 2011?
Haven’t You Seen Social Media Posts By Older Relatives Who Always Seem To Capitalize Every Single Word They Post? I Don’t Get It Either.
Hey, this guy got one of the high performance spoilers before they went out of stock. Looks better in motion than still.
Welcome to my struggles when I watch non-native speakers of Mandarin on movies and shows. Chinese is such an accent and tone driven language, it drives me crazy when it’s not done properly - props for the attempt, I guess. Double props if the dialogue actually matches the captioning.
I mean...I for one have a couple friends who are Trump supporters. Doesn’t mean I cut them out of my life, I just merely tolerate them and steer clear of political talk.
Can you imagine, luxury animals who option for leather coverings when being born?
It’s 2020 - everything and anything is a hill to die on.
If there was ever a use case for Superman - this would be a great fit.
For me it wouldn’t be the price differential (negligible) but of how awkward the Y looks. I saw my first one in the wild yesterday and it just looks strange - like a bloated 3 (which it is.) It reminds me of the BMW X4/X6 and MB SUV coupes - just awkward shape.
Fun fact I read - the reason phishing emails have typos is that they want to reduce the amount of “False positives” - meaning, people who click but won’t pay. The thinking is that if you click on it even after noticing (or are oblivious to) obvious typos, you’re much more likely to be suckered into giving money. It…
Have you heard Friction or Warrior by Imagine Dragons? A bit harder than their radio stuff