If there is a cosmic bean counter doing the math, I would love to see the net death effect of COVID, taking into account every ripple and effect from this virus and its impact on everything.
If there is a cosmic bean counter doing the math, I would love to see the net death effect of COVID, taking into account every ripple and effect from this virus and its impact on everything.
Same. Our only commute now is daily trips to day care and a weekly trip to the neighborhood Kroger or Costco. Been driving our Pacifica Hybrid so no gas has been used...I haven’t driven my Scat Pack in two weeks. Just feel guilty driving a muscle car when I can drive with sweet, sweet cheap electricity.
Do you have an option to sell stored electricity back to the grid, or are you off it completely? I’ve run ROI on a setup for my house but it wouldn’t be worth it.
“God damn it Raylan, your timing sucks!”
I’ve got Hellcat wheels on my Scat Pack and those are a pain as well. I use Brush Hero, soft bristles but I find I have to use a lot of pressure to get the caked on dust and dirt off.
Did you miss the part where he said he had to replace his car ASAP?
If people need cars, say theirs breaks down or is totaled, where would they buy it from if the sales departments are shut down? It’s almost as if a direct sales model would work here...hmm who does that
That’s more mob mentality for essential needs. I don’t think anyone outside of “this is a hoax” nuts who are out there panic buying cars.
They’d have a better chance curing cancer than they’d have providing a sensible through-line of how Thawne has existed across all shows. I have no idea what timeline he was supposed to be from, is in, will be in, how the LoT season places in the timeline, etc etc.
Behind the scenes footage is especially hilarious.
Especially since he pivoted Joe’s attention to Sunshine. It’d be a twist if he wasn’t the mole.
It’s a very selfish move but one I can see myself doing if I thought it would be the right thing to do. Damn...give Sterling K. Brown all the Emmys.
The wireless capabilities in these gaming systems are for shit. I don’t have blazing fast internet (50/50) but it’s more than sufficient for gaming. My PS4 is 10 feet unobstructed from a Google Wifi Mesh router, speeds are solid at 50 on my phone but crawls at 10-12mbps when downloading a patch.
The fast/no long patch installs is exciting to me. I fired up The Division 2 last night only for an update to cripple my play time. My PS4 is always on rest mode so why doesn’t that shit just install when available, rather than wait for me to power on, then it starts the download? Irony is, I play SP only, I don’t…
Does it seem like the ship should be able to accomodate more than 1000 beds (not rooms)?
Stockpile dirt and piss machines now
Normal Kristen: “For those looking for a deal, I feel you. I live for deals.”