
Not all companies.  Mine has been very progressive about WFH, to the point of holding a business continuity drill WFH day a couple weeks ago to ensure we all had the capability sorted out.  In the WFH notice email, they said explicitly for managers not to assume that employees and staff aren’t slacking or not working,

The answer is no one knows. This is a novel coronavirus - we don’t know if it’ll lessen in summer months like other flus, if it’ll be seasonal and become part of the flu cycle like swine flu, no one knows. Like others said, flatten the curve is not to avoid infection, but to spread it out over time so as to not

Hysteria starts when people start crowding the medical system at every sneeze, cough and runny nose. I’ll go ahead and and assume you don’t have kids; little people get sick for no reason all the fucking time and if I paid a copay every time they got the sniffles, their doctors would be able to buy another Mercedes to

I actually still buy physical games - only because I don’t play them after I finish it, and would prefer to re-sell them

I always wondered, would the Dollar Flu even be that potent IRL?  I can’t remember the last time I touched actual money - it’s always credit card or cash apps like, uh Cash App or Venmo or Paypal.

A neighborhood near me isn’t even all that fancy, nice enough homes but golf carts roam the area there.  Teens whip them around corners really fast.  

TIL that golf carts are ridiculously expensive.  I don’t know what I would consider a good price...maybe 1/3 that?  Jesus, $9k.  

Is it just me or does that car look fantastic in profile, even on the back of a flatbed?

My OCD is twitching - all this impressive fabrication work and he couldn’t center the Super Bronco badges with the Ford logo?

Right?  There’s an entire, empty world to explore, yet they sit contained in one room.  Almost like...there was no budget to go anywhere else...

I’m assuming they don’t need to eat, drink or go to the bathroom in the Mirror world...but then Eva picks up a glass of water. So now I don’t know what to think. Also, you’d think after 6 years Eva would change into some more comfortable flats, but maybe foot pain doesn’t exist there either.

Kid’s gotta grow up and die sometime

FCA’s SRT engines don’t let you use launch control until you hit 500.

Kinda feels like the company should be called Hard on Demand, no?

Also, this is an Arby’s

Starred for both.  I hate when trailers make their way into a review for the episode.  

My favorite comment from back then was “It looks like a lego truck I built when I was 4 and didn’t know how to play with legos”

Someone tell VRBO that this is a force majeure incident - apparently coronavirus isn’t covered as force majeure under their cancellation clause and I’m out $600 down payment for a summer trip.

It’s selective learning.  “What a dumbass I saw on youtube spinning out his lambo, that’ll never happen to me”

He really had to write “I want nothing” twice.  smh