I had a Groupon years ago for 1 hr in a Murcielago, and it was as close to being a celebrity as I could be without, you know, actually acting or singing. Everywhere I went, camera phones whipped out, lots of thumbs up, cars following. Felt great.
I had a Groupon years ago for 1 hr in a Murcielago, and it was as close to being a celebrity as I could be without, you know, actually acting or singing. Everywhere I went, camera phones whipped out, lots of thumbs up, cars following. Felt great.
I feel like the Library of Congress’s collective intrinsic value lowers significantly, having to archive 4 years worth of this blabbering idiot’s dronings.
The backwards Lamborghini stencil on the wind buffer glass tells you that this joker doesn’t know up from down, left from right, good design if it sat on his face
350 Bernie fans Nice Price afficionados ironically must be on the pipe to vote thumbs up
Grubs and insects. I’ve been told by reliable sources that they are “slimy, yet satisfying.”
Damn that was an awesome sleeper horror sci fi film.
Ha - yea the fee hike isn’t fun but I’m offsetting it with the Doordash credits they now offer. The 1.5x redemption is pretty cool and I use it with my Freedom cards for the quarterly 5% promos. Protip - if you’re making purchases towards those quarterly categories, don’t do it close to the end of the period. I…
True, it’s my own fault. I should be glad I didn’t get tetanus through my screen
That’s a Lambo thing...we wouldn’t understand
Hoping for the best for you! You know what all the experts are saying so won’t repeat it here...is there anywhere you can go, some family to stay with?
True - so it’s good and bad news. Bad that probably a ton more people are infected, but good that the mortality rate is probably much lower than 2%. But since symptoms and reports are so conflated with normal flu, we’ll probably never get a true count.
Yea, I think CC coverage will require proof of some kind of cancellation out of your control (hotel canceled your reservation, lost luggage, etc.) I even think travel to hot zones (China, Italy, etc) could trigger the coverage. But I think just changing our minds is not enough.
I know, I’m being facetious.
Our NYC hotel booked through Priceline was able to cancel w/o fees, and unfortunately there’s a $600 cancel fee for my mom’s reservation to Tampa which we’re splitting 3 ways. My wife says my in-laws bought travel insurance for the cruise for everything so it should be ok. Could be worse I guess.
Not only that, but in a quarantine situation, I’ll be gd’ed if I’m going to be sealed in a cabin with two little ones for 14 days. I’d rather plug out my eyes with ice cream scoops
Frankly, Detroit cops have bigger things to worry about. This seems like a best-fit compromise, so good on the Chief, but if it was me I’d throw every last one of them in jail. “We on the Lodge!” No you’re in jail asshole.
Yea! That’s why I don’t have any friends, I’m practicing safe hygiene!
I’m actually surprised it’s been so slow. I mean, Wuhan is 12-18 hours away from anywhere in the world by plane and the virus was first discovered end of ‘19/early ‘20. The way virus vectors out exponentially, I’dve expected a lot more people to be infected at this point.