Company makes car like corporate design: “Too similar!”
Company makes car like corporate design: “Too similar!”
By that logic, half of BMW’s hunchback lineup should vanish like Thanos snapped them out of existence
The 2% gets tossed around a lot but the reality is most likely a lot less. A ton of people who have coronavirus aren’t reporting it because the symptoms are exactly like the flu, and they take their Theraflu and Advil and they’re fine. If you normalize the real numbers, the fatality rate will be much, much less than…
Even taking the bad CGI out, it’s some of the worst editing I’ve seen. Did they only have access to two streets total to film this? That same left turn is cut and recut and cut again a few times.
Straight guy here and I was like “Damn, he (still) looks good”
Straight guy here and I was like “Damn, he (still) looks good”
When he picked up the Luke Skywalker with the super pointy light saber, waving it inches from Jack’s eyes - Toby, what is you doing?
When that Volt first appeared I thought the Matrix glitched. Like, did I really just see that.
What in the fuck did I just watch
Just wondering at the (nonexistent?) rollover testing requirements of that time.
I bought a Happy Birthday wrapping paper yesterday at Walmart which required Manager approval. I don’t know what part of the whole process broke, there.
Saw that movie as a kid and I still wish I had three hands.
It’s insanity - does this mean all Dodge Rams from that model gen are so poor in flipover events?
Yea there’s no clear definition which will work for everyone. Sport, competition, game. Then you can further break it down by skill vs athletic ability. Exertion? I don’t know.
You set a speed when using ACC, not a follow distance.
I was thinking of e-sports when I wrote the above comment - I think I’d call it e-gaming. Which is a bit redundant.
*puts nerd glasses on*
The racing lines are atrocious. They race like me in Forza - bounce off the other cars (marbles) and walls to get in first.
People conflate sport vs competition all the time. To me, a rando on the internet, I use sport when physical exertion is expected. So, golf counts, but chess does not (mental gymnastics notwithstanding.)