Wow. So he’s an extra helping of dipshit.
Wow. So he’s an extra helping of dipshit.
I agree with the sentiment that this is rage/clickbait. I would believe that particular bike wasn’t in running condition. This is just a dipshit looking for alt-right clout and a free new bike.
90 beers, 20 straws. Yum.
Bullshit that holds 90 cans. Maybe if there’s no ice in it, and the cans are stacked perfectly. Of course, having no ice in it defeats the purpose.
All good questions with a decade of hindsight. When it was released, it was pretty cool-looking.
The nice thing about this is, is that once it meets its first obstacle the Ukrainians will have a nice, stationary target.
Old Jeeps are not cooler than old Land Rovers. After WW2 Jeeps went stateside. Land Rover went global. All those expeditions through the worlds untamed jungles? Land Rovers got them there.
Some days you pick up an earworm and you just know that it’s going to happily roll around your brain, all day.
That word salad from Lincoln has got to be one of the most self-absorbed pieces of marketing bullshit I’ve ever read. I’m starting to think that auto manufacturers’ marketing copy writers all need to drop their cell phones and laptops into a bin, walk into the woods with nothing more than a sleeping bag and a water…
Yesterday I did a three-hour flight followed by a four-hour flight, just to get home. Those were accomplished with 1 litre of water, snacks, several podcast episodes, a crossword puzzles app, and two trips to the bathroom.
Oh, you move in your sleep, lots. Also, the thromboses occur because blood flow is restricted by bent joints. When you sleep you, you not only move around, you also tend to be more stretched out; blood flow isn’t as restricted.
Awwww... rich famous person was held accountable for his actions.
If I ever had the funds to support the refurbishment and subsequent ongoing maintenance, I would buy an 850CSi as soon as I could find one. It is the best looking performance coupe of the last 40 years.
I like a combination of hard controls and screens.
Nope. Take the damned car. I’ve got the license number and a cell phone. I’ll be dialing 911 before the door slams behind me.
How? How does this function as an ambulance? It could be a first responder vehicle with EMTs and gear in the back. It’s not going to transport a patient on a gurney, with an EMT providing care along the way; you know, like an ambulance.
No. This shit was popular in the ‘90s. I lived through it once, watching the early tuner guys paint their Honda Civics in this nonsense.
You buried the lede...